Admit Now or Cry Later.

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( I will confess that I never read a single Transformers comic book. I am a lover, however, of the movies.  There is something really cool about robots who actually like humans despite our crazy ways. The most recent film in the trilogy, The Last Knight,  has a transformer named Hot Rod.  With his beautiful French accent, he has the power to stop time.  Throughout the movie, Hot Rod used his unique trait to keep humans alive and to kill bad robots. 

I can think of moments when I wished I had the same abilities.  

Most women will tell you that dealing with the truth is difficult.  It is the TRUTH. It is the reason why we choose to wear weaves, decorate our faces with makeup, and squeeze ourselves into too tight girdles. We have moments when we do not want people to know who and what we truly are. Heck, we sometimes do not want to know who we are.  In doing this to ourselves, we are setting ourselves up for an arduous pain physically, mentally, and emotionally that could have been avoided if we simply would have faced the truth for what it was immediately.  

Tia Mowry, one-half of Tia & Tamera,  recently did a blog explaining why she chose to wait to lose baby fat after having her second child.  If we are honest, babies take a lot out of us. But why did Tia have to take a stance on why she did not lose weight immediately?  Society wanted her to believe that it needed to happen immediately in order for her to stay within the status quo of being a celebrity.  It was like they were bullying her into being a certain size. Her story is an example of how delaying the truth can affect you in multiple ways.  You have to be willing to face the truth and accept it. Then, stand by your truth before someone tries to impose their opinion on you. If she would have waited to admit that truth to herself, she could have possibly caused harm to herself and her family. Her choice to be honest practically saved her life. 

I know the truth is a scary monster that can live under your bed, in spiders, or anything that you fear.  I avoided the truth for most of my life because I was afraid of what I would be unable to do. I did not want to admit that my childhood and upbringing made a difference in my adulthood. I had to admit that truth if I wanted to be a better person. Admitting the truth to yourself, however, can save you so much heartache and pain.  We do not have the ability to time travel…yet. Admit the truth now before you are dealing with more tears later. 

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.