Friday, July 26, 2024

It Starts At Home.

November 19, 2019 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Most women I know would melt when Luther would sing “A Chair Is Not A Chair…” from his song “A House Is Not A Home”.  I mean…it is Luther. Also, Luther had a very valid point. Material, status, and finances do not determine self-care. YOU do. Take time to determine what you want, get it, and adjust it as necessary.  Maslow would thank you. You will thank yourself too.

Boundaries are Revealing.

November 19, 2019 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Having boundaries will show you who is supportive of you, and who’s toxic to you. Though it can be difficult in the beginning, you need this to take place in your life to see peace manifest. It is important that you do what’s necessary to handle your business and take care of your self in every aspect necessary. Setting boundaries that allow you to handle your priorities is positive, and it’s responsible. Never allow anyone to make you feel guilty for doing what is best for you.

Make Sure He’s Over His Ex.

November 19, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

The hurt you will incur makes it harder to move on to the love you deserve. It adds to the baggage you are already working on. I told myself I was hurt because this brother looked like he could be the one. The truth is I was angry because I knew I needed to back up, my intuition told me to slow down something about the time table wasn’t right…and I ignored it. Granted I don’t absolve his behavior, but I realize I could have avoided such. You don’t deserve to be a pit stop for someone to fill up on your goodness only to drive away headed to another destination.

4 Agribusiness Careers That Are Worth Considering.

Tweet ( The agribusiness sector has been intertwined with the fortunes of rural America for some time, since even before the word was coined in 1957, and it dominates discussions of the national economy to this day. These facts are unlikely to change any time soon, either, with Presidents and primary candidates never shy to […]

European Locations So Rich in History That You Need To Visit.

Tweet ( For those of us who deem ourselves to be history buffs, we tend to find the historical treasures in any of the holiday destinations we visit. Whether it’s a ruin tucked away from the beaten path, or a museum filled with unique artefacts that give us insight into life hundreds of years ago, […]

Can He Tell You the Truth.

November 14, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

Example, when our women are arrested and beaten or killed, we need men to understand its just as important as when it happens to them. Well, domestic violence, rape, and many other kinds of abuse must be just as important when it happens to men. Your man needs to know he can trust you with his trust, just as you must be able to trust him with your truth. Allowing your relationship to be one sided in this area can cause resentment, and eventually the end of something that could have been beautiful.

Absence Makes Parent Love Grow Fonder?

November 14, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

My parents were none of these traits, and I used to be upset about it. I felt like I was cheated out of a childhood that could have made me more productive.  However, their lack of parenting made me very attentive to those who effective. I want to emulate them when I become a parent. Yes, the absence of parental love makes my heart for effective parenting and growth stronger. 

Realizing The Potential In These Businesses.

November 13, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Going down a path that allows you to set up your own business, is a great one. It means you’re taking your step towards freedom, and there’s no better feeling than knowing you’re working for no one other than yourself. But that sometimes comes at a cost, because the work you have to […]

The 4 Major Considerations When Growing Your Business.

November 11, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( As you get your business underway and find methods to improve your business efficiently, you start to realize that there are numerous growing pains involved. It is partly to do with surviving the first couple of years but it’s also about looking at your weaknesses and doubling down on them. Any good leader […]

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