European Locations So Rich in History That You Need To Visit.

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( For those of us who deem ourselves to be history buffs, we tend to find the historical treasures in any of the holiday destinations we visit. Whether it’s a ruin tucked away from the beaten path, or a museum filled with unique artefacts that give us insight into life hundreds of years ago, the historical culture can keep us entertained for hours. So, whether you’re looking to renew an e111, or you’re already searching for flights, here are a few of the best European destinations with the richest histories.

Rome, Italy

Chances are you’ve studied Roman history at some point in your childhood, so where better to start a historical holiday bucket list? Legend suggests that Rome came about when two twin boys, who had been raised by a she-wolf, founded the city in 753 BC. The Roman Colosseum was built years later, and the city now, of course, plays host to the Pantheon, the Vatican City, St Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican museums. At the Vatican Museums, you’ll even see some of the most famous and treasured paintings, ceilings, tapestries and sculptures in the world, not least including those in the Sistine Chapel.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is more than just beaches and a bit of unique architecture. In fact, all of these stunning spots have their own rich history. Take the buildings, for example – much of the unique designs come from architect Anton Gaudi, who completely changed the face of Catalonian architecture. Others can be found in the Gothic Quarter, where you’ll find everything from flamenco, to traditional festivals littered around the city. The history itself dates back up to 2000 years, much of which can be discovered in the plentiful museums, not least including the Museu d’Historia de Catalunya.

Athens, Greece

As one of the oldest cities in the world, Athens is a must-visit for anyone with even the slightest interest in Greek history. Home to enchanting mystery surrounding Greek Mythology, Athens is a capital city full of wonder. Stop by Acropolis, a protected World Heritage site, before heading on to the countless other 5th Century BC landmarks dotted around the city. The Parthenon temple is another must-see, as a masterpiece dedicated to the goddess Athena and a true insight into the impressive and unique architecture of ancient Greece.

Berlin, Germany

For fans of more modern history, Berlin offers a unique insight into World War II Germany. With plentiful memorials and countless museums to explore (many of which are on Museum Island!), there’s plenty to do here, even on rainy days. When the weather is a little nicer, you can head over to the Berlin Wall, and see the towering brick that once divided the city, now coated in over 100 panels of incredible and moving artwork. You can visit the Topography of Terror and the Jewish Museum if you want to delve a little deeper into the holocaust, before heading to the Holocaust Memorial to pay your respects and take a moment to reflect.

Paris, France

If your historic interest is of a more artistic variety, Paris is a must-visit. With the incredibly famous Le Louvre art gallery housing some of the most incredible and famous paintings in the world, not least including the Mona Lisa, you could spend a day or two exploring this gallery alone. Step out of the galleries and into the museums, and you’ll find out everything you could want to know about Joan of Arc, the reign of King Louis XIV, the French Revolution, The Renaissance and, of course, the World Wars.

While Europe is full of incredible cities with plenty of history to explore, the above are just some of the richest. From Paris, to Rome, through to Berlin, Athens and Barcelona, each one offers an unforgettable holiday for history buffs. Where will you visit first?

Staff Writer; Sherry Wall