(ThySistas.com) Sex can be a very tense situation when you find yourself wanting after every encounter. It can be very difficult to open up to your partner about what turns you both off and on. Far too often many of us, men and women, engage a partner sexually based on our ...

(ThySistas.com) Over the years having natural hair is becoming the evolution of women evolving everywhere.  Although we are a long way from natural hair being accepted in corporate America, it is inclusive in the hiring process discussions, which is a start.  More and more women are learning to embrace their natural ...

(ThySistas.com) First impressions matter, and in business you usually only get one chance to make a positive impact on a potential client. Having a professional company image assists in building trust with both clients and stakeholders, and helps to lay a solid foundation for you to foster business relationships. However, corporate ...

(ThySistas.com) Technology has changed every facet of our lives, and the kitchen is no exception. Rather than knead and prepare bread dough by hand, we invented the bread maker. Instead of having to deal with dirty coal and firewood, we created the electric range. To look back on the incredible technological ...

(ThySistas.com) There you were – minding your own business and feeling confident about your financial situation. Suddenly, an unexpected expense comes out of nowhere, and those feelings of financial security seem as fleeting as the money in your wallet. It happens to the best of us, but it’s how you react ...

(ThySistas.com) People travel to experience new cultures and see new environments. However, you have done a quick Google search, and all of the destinations you want to visit are too expensive and you can’t afford it with your budget. What do you do? There are always travel deals to look out ...

(ThySistas.com) We hear men say that certain kinds of women can’t be turned into housewives…well certain kinds of men can’t be turned into husbands. Unfortunately, there are sisters out here staking their everything on someone that isn’t as invested. What makes this troublesome is the brother has showed you that you ...

(ThySistas.com) The start of a new school year is supposed to be full of excitement, but it seems we must be prepared for the beginning of school “fall out”. This is basically the conflicts that will occur between teachers, administration and our children. As a parent this can be a very ...

(ThySistas.com) Very few of us would openly admit to being selfish. Its common thought that we are all selfish in some way, and in some areas, it is a necessity for success. However, we must realize that selfish behavior can kill our relationships with parents, sibling, friends, spouses and our kids. ...

(ThySistas.com) You’ve ever been down a grocery store aisle looking for a product or produce, but there’s more than one option for you to choose from?  That’s exactly how women look competing with each other over anything!  The infamous example online is the meme with the photo of a lot of ...