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Building A Following In The Modern World Of Music.

December 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comBack in the days before the internet, most of the musicians featured on radio stations, large stages, and television shows were scouted by people who worked for record labels. Producing their own records and cassettes, these early superstars often fell into fame and fortune without having to do much to pursue it. Nowadays, though, the routes which you can take are a little bit different. With the right time and dedication, building yourself a fan following is a lot easier than most people think, and anyone can achieve this goal of they put their mind to it. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring the work which goes into this, while also giving you the tools you need to start your journey on the path to stardom.


For a lot of avid music fans, the songs they listen to are about much more than just the sounds they are hearing. People will build a mental image of the people they like in an industry like this, with different artists giving off their own feel with the impressions they make on the media. This sort of branding goes far beyond logos and colors, though, with the way that you act, the type of music you make, and the content of your songs all contributing to the way that the world sees you. If you’re able to build an image which a large demographic really likes, you will be able to climb with ease.

Social Media

When it comes to marketing, the very best place a musician has to turn is social media, with platforms like Facebook and Instagram having the power to launch you into fame. With the right work, it doesn’t take long to build up a good following on sites like these. The most work you do, the more people will like your content, rapidly increasing awareness of your name. Of course, though, you can also use services like Soundcloud promo to help your music to reach the right people. As time goes on, it will become impossible to have bad posts, as you will always have people waiting to see your latest content.


Clothing and music are tied together like never before, in the modern world. People are willing to spend huge amounts of money on a single garment, simply because their favourite singer told them that it is cool, and companies are well aware of this. With loads of brands working to connect themselves with influencers, there is a real chance to use their existing popularity to help to drive your following. Your brand has to be right for this to work, with businesses often only working with partners who are able to represent them professionally, and wanting to avoid controversial issues.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling much better about your chances of finding stardom on the web. Loads of people are taking this approach to life, choosing to throw their hat into the ring in the pursuit of gaining worldwide popularity. Of course, most people will never achieve this dream, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it.

Staff Writer; Shelia Day

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