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The Life Pillars Of A Confident Woman.

January 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWhen in the pursuit of empowering ourselves, it can be hard to know where to begin. Structuring our lives in the right way is something that most of us are interested in. Becoming a powerful force to be reckoned with is often the goal that most independent women consider the highest aim they can achieve, because it assures a feeling of self-confidence and competence that can be applied to many difficult or complex situations in life.

However, no self-confident and powerful woman becomes that way by accident. It does take consistent effort, and a willingness to adapt to the needs of any situation. It also means building our ‘life pillars’ in a stable and strongly founded way. This article should explore these themes more, and hopefully provide you with useful practical advice if you have self-empowerment as an aim.

Balance Speaking/Listening

Too many women believe that becoming empowered is about being disagreeable (in the psychiatric sense,) and aggressively making their thoughts and opinions known. It’s easy to fall into this trap, especially when starting out. While becoming confident and assertive is always a wonderful thing to have as part of your personality, it must always be balanced by listening and being attentive to the needs of a situation. After all, even if you are completely in the right with your ideas and believe that strongly, how can you fully understand the scope of a situation if you neglect to listen and observe? This makes us strong as individuals, but it does take some wisdom to get the balance right. Still, when you achieve this, you become ten times the woman than a warrior on the warpath could ever become.


Every woman worth her salt takes care of herself. This can be difficult when looking after children, as finding that ‘me-time’ can feel next to impossible. Still, if you make the time to attend to your skincare, hygiene, health and mental wellbeing, then you are in a much stronger position to become intimate with the responsibilities you have. You can also upgrade your beauty routine by adding face serums and creams as these will help you fight the effects of skin aging and restores your youthful glow. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, getting the right nutrients in your diet and have fruitful and supportive relationships. You deserve nothing less than the best, but be sure that you’re worthy and open for the best through your general daily maintenance routines. This can help orient your life in a self-loving way, and it sets your day up correctly for achievement and love.

Embracing Femininity

The power of femininity is that it nurtures, and this requires a vastly refined and time-honored sense of emotional patience and maturity. Femininity is a beautiful and vast thing, something which should be embraced by all females, no matter their persuasion. Just like some women can learn from some masculine characteristics, everyone can learn from the beauty of the feminine. It can be a loving, powerful, resilient, tough and grown force for positive care, positive ambition or orientation in itself. Embracing femininity is a great way to become deeply respectful and appreciative of yourself and your place in the world, as it has so many excellent virtues to offer. Of course, how you define and express your femininity, and to what extent is always up to you. But just be sure you never lose it.

With these tips, you should have the strong life pillars in place to truly succeed at anything you need to.

Staff Writer; Natasha Baker

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