(ThySistas.com) Becoming a woman is an everyday job, growing up as a woman means enduring various transitions and changes. While some changes are physical others are mental and emotional, throughout the years of aging you grow and develop. During puberty the hormones in the female body are more active than usual, ...

(ThySistas.com) The world we live in right now is crazy. With the political system all out of whack, senseless killings happening every day, wars and rumors of wars swirling constantly, peace of mind can be hard to find. Aside from the things that we can’t control, there is the hustle and ...

(ThySistas.com) It often seems like there’s a set path in life that you’re supposed to follow (or not follow), especially when it comes to education and careers. You finish high school and then you either go to college, or you start working right away. Some might not even graduate from high ...

(ThySistas.com) We are all creatures of habit. We pick up something and, if it tends to work for us from a personal standpoint, we stick with it. We don’t always stick with the healthier habits, however. When chemical changes in the body are involved, we stick to those that are most ...

(ThySistas.com) No one deserves more support and respect than the single mothers in our communities. Raising a child single-handedly is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding things we can experience. However at times it can feel overwhelming and lonely. We’ve been there and we understand you. So here are ...

(ThySistas.com) How many times have you asked someone: “Is anything wrong?” “No, nothing’s wrong,” was the response. But you didn’t buy it because you felt there was something wrong. The more we think about ourselves, the less in touch with reality we become. In contrast, self-awareness considered a virtue since the ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us have an idea of who our perfect man would be. We have preferences regarding every aspect of Mr. Rights existence. However, as we get older many tend to come back to earth regarding our wants…and the needs tend to become the priority. However, it we are not ...

(ThySistas.com) What is a simple way to stay consistent with doing something? To remember the most important reasons why you are doing it. So remind yourself of the whys to help yourself to stay motivated to work on your self-esteem and to make it an essential priority. Boosting your confidence is ...

(ThySistas.com) Do you hate the idea of going to the gym to keep in shape and feel healthy? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! The sad truth about many gyms is that they feel intimidating, especially to female patrons. Yes, keeping in shape is important but so is feeling comfortable while doing ...

(Akiit.com) Commitment is a powerful thing. When we’re young, we usually set our sights on something big or important, such as a career in a certain field or a goal that we want to reach. When we’re committed to achieving something, we typically go full speed and try to hit that ...