Friday, July 26, 2024

Five or so soothing hobbies to put your mind at ease.

May 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The world we live in right now is crazy. With the political system all out of whack, senseless killings happening every day, wars and rumors of wars swirling constantly, peace of mind can be hard to find.

Aside from the things that we can’t control, there is the hustle and bustle of just everyday life. From dealing with the kids, taking care of business, making sure everyone is safe and taken care of, not to mention trying to get some “me” time in here and there, it can all become too much.

I know that it can be hard and most people will say that they don’t have the time, but finding activities and things that put your mind at peace is so important for your mental health. You would be surprised by how much better you feel by just doing simple things that allow you to unwind.

So here are some possible hobbies to consider incorporating in your life now.


This is one of the best ways to lose yourself for a few hours. You can start one at home, even if you don’t have a yard. There are pots you can buy or create, that allow you to grow plants, veggies, and fruti on your balcony or patio. You can also rent garden spaces.


Nothing brings you peace of mind like letting go of all the stuff that takes away your peace of mind. Meditating is a tried and true practice that countless people have found to be invaluable to their way of life and sanity. It’s more than just sitting still and being quiet. There is all kind of literature on how to include this practice into your life.


Do you like taking pictures? Photography is something that allows you to explore your artistic side. You can do it in your spare time, on your lunch break, at the store; pretty much anytime you’re out and about. If you carry your camera around with you, you can capture beautiful moments that you can look over and take in later. And who knows, you might even find that you’re pretty good at it and turn your hobby into a new career path.

This hobby is not just for grandmothers and expectant mothers. There is something so very soothing about knitting. Not only does it allow you to put your mind at ease as you focus on what’s in front of you, the end product will be a great new piece of clothing (usually) that you can utilize for yourself or gift to a loved one or friend. Either way, it allows you to be creative and for a lot of people, unleashing their creativity most definitely puts their mind at ease.

Candle Making

What a beautifully smelling hobby for sure. It can get a little messy sometimes, but playing with different ingredients to make something so refreshing and calming is, well, calming. I love candles and their ability to transform a room’s space. The inviting scents are not only a great way to relax, but they set the atmosphere on your terms.

Through everything that you do, please understand how important it is to take time for you. Try some of the hobbies and see how much more peace you have in your life.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah


One Response to “Five or so soothing hobbies to put your mind at ease.”
  1. Maleeka says:

    Thanks sis!

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