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Notice the Signs.

November 21, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( What extent will a parent go when it is involving their child and a caregiver? Parents pay caregivers well to care for their children when they are away from them. However, the number of documented child abuse cases in daycares are steadily rising while the workers are being let off the hook. When did it become ok for a caregiver to abuse a child and get away with it. If anything, a caregiver is a mandated reporter and is to report of possible child abuse or suspicions of such. So why is nothing happening when they are the ones abusing the child. After all parents can barely chastise their children before DCS (Department of Child Services) comes knocking at their door and yet daycare employees are not even given a citation or a court date? These employees must be held accountable or shut down for business.

When it comes to protecting the youth from predators’ parents are needed to help. Parents it is very important to constantly communicate with your child on a regular basis about their day away from home. Ask them questions such as “How was your day? How did you like the daycare? Were they nice to you?” Children should never be afraid to talk with their parents.

Trust plays a part on both sides with parents and child. Trust is how imposters seep into the youth’s life, they gain the trust of the child and then do their dirty work. A child should always be able to trust their parents or guardians under any circumstances. Children really do not hold secrets well so it is not difficult to get them to say when something is wrong, unless trust has not been established or has been lost.

It also important to pay attention to the behavior of a child. A change in a child’s behavior is one leading indicator that a child is being abused. If your child is full of life on a daily and now, suddenly, they are withdrawn from the group or playing alone this can possibly indicate signs of abuse. If the child is showing resentment when he or she is being dropped off at daycare or maybe they show signs of fearing for the employee. These are all things that maybe telling you it is time to pull your child from the facility or have a chat with the little ones.

A child may also become aggressive they may start to kick, bite, and even scream. We must keep our babies safe and make sure that everyone has the best interest of children. Signs of abuse may also be fakes by the child pretending to be ill to avoid going to daycare. Parents we must weed out the imposters that are only watching our babies for monetary gains. Caregivers can become very important to a child so it is best that we keep the good ones and get the ones that love it from their heart out!

Staff Writer; Sha’Nelle V. Harris

One may also connect with this sister via Facebook; S. Harris.

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