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4 Ways to De-Stress After Work.

November 8, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Life can get so crazy sometimes. I don’t know about you, but there are moments when I just want to turn everything and everyone off so that I can get away from it all. In reality, you can’t permanently get away and think nothing about your responsibilities. Well, you can for a bit, but sometimes those little breaks just aren’t enough.

While you can’t take those long breaks we all dream of on a consistent basis, you can find ways to relax and unwind after a busy day at work so that the weight of everything doesn’t crush you. That is really the secret to winning at life if you ask me- Finding ways to make time for yourself so that you can re-energize and keep moving forward.

So because I know you can use all the information you can get on who to live your best life, here are some tips on how to unwind and de-stress after a long day’s work.

Pamper Session

Pampering always does a body good. Finding a way to bring the spa experience to you will give you the boost you need after working 8 or so hours. Purchase pampering items like bubble bath, salt beads, candles, a bath pillow, a foot massager and some kind of facemask. It may not be the actual spa, but it will give you actual relief.


This activity is considered a low impact/high results exercise. Taking a dip in the pool is a great way to let off some stress and take your mind off of things. If you don’t have one, getting a membership at a gym that has one is your next best option. This is a good route to go, too, because a lot of times if a gym has a pool, they usually also have a sauna and or steam room. They are two of my favorite ways to relax.

Take A Class

Speaking of the gym, taking a fun class after work can be just what the doctor ordered for you to relieve tension and stress. I absolutely love Zumba. In fact, I love Zumba so much I used to take it two times a day. It is a high-energy dance class that broke up the monotony of the day to day for me. I loved learning the moves and putting my own spin on the routines. Find a gym class that can do the same thing for you.

Give Back

Sometimes, an effective way of relieving yourself of stress is to do something for someone else. When you volunteer and give of your time to a meaningful cause, it can help put things into perspective for you. What you do at work is important. So important in fact that you are willing to let it stress you out. Try taking your frustration and channeling it into something that helps build others.

People are different and the avenues in which we take to find ways to cope with our worlds are different too. Find what works for you and let it ease your mind so you can live to fight another day.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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