Friday, July 26, 2024

4 Great Ways to Meet Great Guys.

November 8, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( In the age that we live in today, when it comes to relationships, everyone seems to be looking for quick fixes and nothing serious. This is especially true for millennials. But what can you really expect when everything is at the tip of their fingertips and the need to have something new is ever present?

I am an older millennial so there are certain aspects of the millennial experience I subscribe to. However, as far as finding a good guy that I can spend the rest of my life with, that has always been a top priority for me. When I finally really started dating, it was not easy finding what I considered to be the “right” one for me. And through my trial and error (and that of many close friends) I found some cool ways to meet eligible men. Needless to say, it’s been six years and I’m still happily with the guy I met during that time.

Here are some ideas on places to meet great guys.

Online Dating

Hey, I was a skeptic too. I honestly thought that online dating was for losers. As I got older, I realized that online dating was the way of the world for busy, successful, women who don’t have time for games. Now, that’s not to say that the method is perfect, but I know too many women who have found meaningful relationships online, including me!

Speed Dating

Okay, this one is an oldie but goodie. Honestly, they don’t do a lot of speed dating anymore, but you can still find them around here and there. It’s great because you meet a lot of options in a short period of time and get to choose with no strings attached. It’s super fun too from what I hear.

Dog Park

A lot of single people who have dogs go to dog parks to walk their furry friend and socialize them. But this activity that is seemingly for your pet is a great way to meet guys. If you have a dog, find a local dog park and take your four-legged buddy for a ride. The thing I like about this method is that you have the very real possibility of meeting a mate who shares a love for an important aspect of your world- your dog!


If you are a spiritual person and going to church is important to you, then it’s only ideal that your mate be a fellow churchgoer, right? Meeting a man at church is usually one of the safest bets when it comes to finding a spouse. Those men who are serious will share your love for the Lord and usually, when a man has a relationship with God, there is less playing games and more deliberate action. It’s not a bad option.


Getting out in the community and giving your time to a worthy cause is a sure fire way to meet new and interesting people. Who knows, you might meet the man of your dreams helping out at the soup kitchen line. It’s always nice to meet someone while doing something you enjoy because that means, more than likely, they enjoy the activity too!

The sky is the limit. Get out and live a little.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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