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4 Ways Women Can Rekindle the Romance.

October 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( In relationships, it sometimes becomes necessary to rekindle the flame that may have fizzled out. You know how these go; life is hard and there are moments when the romance goes missing because who really has time for all of that?

No matter how things are for you right now, as a woman, it is just as much your responsibility to make sure the fire is still burning as it is your man’s. I know, we want to be pampered and chased and courted and catered to. But while it is clear these are things that women want, guess what, men want those things too. Yes ladies, sometimes we have to do the wooing and when you are in a mutually beneficial relationship, this is something that you should not only want to do, it’s also something that you shouldn’t be told you need to do. 

So let’s look at some sexy ways to rekindle your stalled love life.

Couple’s Massage

This is a great one because usually the way that these experiences go, the spa sets a romantic room up with snacks and champagne. From there, you and your love lie side by side as you both get relaxing, soothing massages. A lot of time too, the masseur or masseuse will give you tips on how you can replicate the massages at home on each other. Now, that’s what I call romantic.

Plan a Getaway… At Home

Speaking of doing things at home, you can kick the kids out (if you have them) turn the phones off and create an oasis at home for you and your man. This is particularly intimate because it’s not just you doing all the work. You have made the arrangements and now it’s time for both of you to participate in making your time together meaningful and worthwhile. You can set up one room for massaging,  cook together, take a bath together and relax anyway that you see fit.

Buy Some Sexy Sleepwear

Hey, the truth is sometimes all it really takes is some sexy sleepwear to lift the mood and turn things on again. It doesn’t have to be expensive either. I suggest going online to find something cute and affordable. Some women may be willing to spend $75 or more on something they won’t even have on for 20 minutes, but I am not. More power to you if you are. I look to online retailers and also local places. Most men don’t know nor care about the name of the brand you’re wearing. They are most concerned with what’s underneath.

Take a Cooking Class

It’s always fun when you do things together with your mate. Often, the hustle and bustle of life can make you forget why you fell in love with your significant other in the first place. There is nothing that brings people together like food and taking a cooking class together is a great way to learn how to make a new dish and to rediscover your love for each other.

Keeping the romance alive in your relationship is so important. You can find something that works for you and make it happen. Just watch how much better the intimacy gets!

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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