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Spotting Toxic Relationships.

October 25, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

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( Toxic relationships are one of the most hurtful things to experience. It doesn’t matter if it is a romantic or platonic, having a person in your life that does and means you no good will keep you from reaching your full potential.

We don’t always realize we are dealing with toxic people because most of us just want to see the good in others. Who wants to admit that the love of their life or their best friend is draining their energy? Regardless of whether or not we want to accept that these people are around us on a daily basis, there is no doubt that we can see it. You have to have the courage to say that enough is enough. The toxic people in your life are holding you back from so much good. Some of them are doing it unknowingly, others are very well aware of the harm they are causing and that’s all the more reason why you need to get them out of your life.

Here are some signs that you are dealing with a toxic person.

Do They Want You to Win?

You can tell if a person is really for you. If you have someone in your life and they are jealous of you when you win or when good things happen to and for you, then they are toxic. If the person goes out of his or her way to hinder you from succeeding, that kind of jealousy is very dangerous. It’s the kind that can potentially harm you in a way in which you won’t be able to recover.

Are they Abusive with Their Words?

The things that we speak are powerful and can give life to a situation. If you have a friend or a significant other who is verbally abusive to you, don’t dismiss it. A person who does not know how to respect you with their words can never truly, wholly respect you. People tend to tear others down when they don’t feel good about themselves. In those situations, they will find whatever they can to make others feel the way they do because as the saying goes, misery loves company. They are toxic. Get away from them.

Do you have to Save them or Fix their Problems?

It zaps your energy when you are the one who has to constantly step in and save someone from themselves. A person who needs help all the time is a form of toxicity that disguises itself as something else. These people are needy and don’t see how their neediness affects others. You may want to help them and be there for them, but when it starts to affect your quality of life, you have to take a step back.

If a person causes you to change who you are when you are around them, that is a tell-tale sign of toxicity. Don’t ignore these signs, and others, when you see them. If it doesn’t feel right it’s probably not right. It may be hard to break away, but taking the steps to do so is paramount to your overall wellbeing.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah


One Response to “Spotting Toxic Relationships.”
  1. Great article. I’ve dealt with all three of these types of relationships.

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