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Best Ways To Boost Your Magnesium Levels.

October 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comMagnesium is an incredibly important nutrient for your overall health. In fact, magnesium depletion has been linked with a string of health complications, such as cardiovascular diseases, depression, anxiety, and osteoporosis. You need to ensure that you keep on top of your magnesium intake, to help you avoid such illnesses and diseases. Luckily for you, there are several relatively simple ways to boost your magnesium levels and keep you healthy.

Eat Magnesium Rich Meals

Being healthy doesn’t mean eating bland foods; There are plenty of tasty foods that are rich in magnesium for you to feast on. Bananas, sweet potatoes, and nuts, such as almonds and hazelnuts, are just a few of these options. You could even combine some of these foods to create meals that are rich in magnesium. These meals don’t even have to be particularly complicated. A nutrient-rich yogurt, some dried fruit, and almonds are a great breakfast suggestion that will not only taste great, but also give you a good dose of magnesium, as well as other minerals, vitamins, and fiber.

Take Magnesium Supplements

As great as food is, you can’t always fill your daily recommended intake (310-320mg for women, and 400-420mg for men) with foods alone. If this is the case for you, a lot of people decide to take magnesium and other mineral supplements, such as AlgaeCal, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner to fill up this gap. Visit Facebook for AlgaeCal reviews, to help you decide whether this is an option for you.

Use Magnesium Oil

Applying magnesium oil directly to your skin and rubbing it in is another great way to boost the levels of magnesium within your body. As magnesium is important for the muscles, applying magnesium oil to your body after exercise will help to relax your muscles and reduce pain and soreness with them. It can even be used in your normal skincare routine, as magnesium has been shown to break up different oils and fats, so can help to reduce the oiliness of your skin.

Avoid Stress

In times of stress, you use up much more magnesium than you normally do in day to day life. If your magnesium levels are already relatively low, this can cause some serious issues and will lead to magnesium depletion. To avoid this, you should try to avoid stressful situations. However, this isn’t always possible, so you should also learn how to better cope with stress. Whatever makes you feel calmer in stressful situations, whether it be breathing techniques or listening to music, will be helpful to reduce magnesium depletion.

Magnesium is incredibly important in keeping you healthy in a number of ways, which is why it’s so essential to keep your magnesium levels as high as possible. However, magnesium isn’t a miracle cure, and it can’t single-handedly reverse any illnesses, whether they be physical or mental. You should always visit your doctor for help and advice regarding your well being before you decide that a magnesium boost is all that you require.

Staff Writer; Latasha Day

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