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Reversing Time On Your Biological Clock.

September 7, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWhen most people think about anti-aging, they automatically consider trying to get rid of wrinkles and age lines. However, it might be worth taking your anti-aging methods a little deeper so that you try and reverse time on your biological clock.

What is the biological clock exactly? Well, it’s the age that our body is at, and our health and fitness go a long way to influence this. So, for example, just because you are forty, it doesn’t mean that your biological clock is also this age. If you have led a very healthy lifestyle so far, then your clock might be slightly younger at, say, thirty-five. However, if you haven’t been so health conscious, then your biological age might actually be older than your real age.

If you are worried that your biological clock might be older than it should be, there are certain steps you can take to reverse its age. Read on to find out more!

Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar can have a very negative effect on the body, especially when your body starts to get older. In fact, if you have a high intake of sugar, then you will find that it can speed up the aging process and can also slowly damage the organs. So, if you want to slow down the whole aging process and improve your overall health, ease off all the sweet stuff!

Take Some Supplements

If you think that your diet is lacking in some vital vitamins and minerals, then it’s a good idea to make up for it by taking supplements. It is especially important to take supplements, such as vitamin D and C, that can help improve your bone health. These AlgaeCal reviews show that this supplement can also give your bones a boost. As our bones can deteriorate quite a bit as we age, they are one of the first parts of our body to protect and focus on when it comes to anti-aging.

Start Moving More

Another way you can improve bone density and health is by exercising more. But that’s not the only reason why moving more as you age is important – it also affects a lot of other aspects of your health as well. If you get at least half an hour of exercise every day, then your cardiovascular and respiratory systems will greatly improve. It doesn’t have to be difficult exercise – just walking for thirty minutes will be enough.

Keep Calm And Carry On

Sometimes it can be easier said than done but, if at all possible, you should stay away from stress and try to relax whenever you can. Stress can be mentally and physically damaging, and all of this damage increases with age. So, whenever you get a few minutes, it’s necessary to take some time out and ease your mind. Why not take up Yoga to help?!

Don’t worry if you think that your biological clock is a lot older than your actual age. As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do to turn back time!

Staff Writer; Lisa Poole

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