Friday, July 26, 2024

Best Cities for Black Women.

August 8, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

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( Black women are so powerful. We are beautiful and we get things done. Sometimes we don’t get the props we deserve but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to receive them. We do a lot and even when no one else wants to acknowledge the hard work that we do, we have to. That is why we owe it to ourselves to do what’s best for us. Sometimes, that means making decisions that move us out of our comfort zones and nothing is more comfortable and familiar than staying in one place.

It’s good to move out and live in different cities. I have lived in four different cities so far and if I can help it, I will add a lot more to that list. There are some cities that are better for black people than others. This is based on things like career options, relationship prospects and cost of living. There are some great places in America for black women to move to where you can do more than just survive. You can thrive.

If you are looking for something new and wanting to see new things, here are a few cities that are great for black women.


Naturally, this city was going to be on the list. It is a booming place for so many reasons. If you work in entertainment or music, it is definitely a place where you can get ahead. Aside from those industries, the cost of living is one of the best in the country. When you consider all that is in Atlanta and its proximity to other major cities,  (Nashville, Chattanooga and plenty of Florida cities) it is an ideal option.


Speaking of Nashville, it is one of my most favorite cities. There is a lot going on in this music city and while some people may argue that it is more suited for white people, there are at least three historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s) in the areas, which makes for a diverse black community. It is also centrally located to Memphis, a city with great culture and activities.


I lived in Baltimore for three years and I will tell you that black people are out and about in Charm City. There is a beautiful community of artists,  a large population of healthcare professionals with Johns Hopkins University being a major local employer and so much more. It’s super close to D.C. (also on this list), a train ride to Philadelphia and a greyhound ride to New York.

Washington D.C.

I love D.C. It is in the top five of my favorite U.S. cities. There is so much to do there. People are always visiting so you get to meet individuals of all backgrounds and with it being the nation’s capital, it is a prime place to be. I will warn you that the cost of living is not as ideal as a place like Atlanta, but with all the opportunities you will have access to, it outweighs the negative.

There are so many advantages of living in different places. And with black women being the most educated and successful group of people in America, the sky is the limit.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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