Friday, July 26, 2024

Maximizing Summer as a Student.

August 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( There are various ways to maximize a summer especially by doing positive things in order to stay on track for the future. While you can definitely waste away time playing video games like Grand Theft Auto, maximizing your summer means you should strive to be productive as possible during your summer break. While enjoying your summer break you could also educate yourself on the ins and outs of financial aid, if you have not already done so you should complete your FAFSA and look into some grants and scholarship opportunities if you plan on going to college, for those already in college inform yourself on potential loan paybacks and interest rates.

You can also give back to the community by volunteering and there are many opportunities for you to make a positive impact on the community. Summer camps and programs are always looking for teens to come help during the summers as interns and volunteers.

Take the time to become a better leader over your break as well, there is always room for growth and improvement. Also take your summers as time to network with peers and get to know potential classmates and faculty by using social media. I mean you may as well, you use social media for everything else. Most importantly we all know that college is very expensive so use your summers to make a plan for your earnings.

The amount of money you need to save from each summer paycheck is decided by your own personal goals. According to your own personal spending habits you might want to look for work-study jobs on your school’s campus it is very convenient. Being a student means learning to budget your money, in college you have to learn to make your money stretch. You can do this by having direct deposit this way it goes directly in your account to prevent burning a whole in your pockets.

Sticking to your goals is very important as well once school starts and as it progresses it is very important to remember the goals you have set forth for yourself no matter how challenging it gets. Meaning if you know the money you have is intended to pay for your books that you know are required for class then you should purchase your books instead of buying the newest Jordans or Louis Vuitton’s knowing that technically you can not afford. Spend money wisely and only purchase the things that you truly need, it is just fine to treat yourself sometimes though as long as it is done in moderation.

Always remember to expand your horizons and always sharpen your tools make sure you are always picking up a book and educating yourself on the things you have no prior knowledge of and from a student to a student enjoy your summer, take a swim, be safe and be you.

Staff Writer; Myra Moore

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