Friday, July 26, 2024

Blacks & The Church.

August 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( For many years there has been a trend some are referring to as the “black fight”. The black community has packed up their suitcases and moved away from the black churches. There has always been many individuals in the black community who have been skeptical about Christianity and it’s existence.

At one point there was a strong influence of the religion but times have changed and the world is a much different place now than it was then. Churches in the black community faded out due to a lack of resources whether it being financial or spiritual. Many are also leaving the church because of the persuasion that Christianity is the “white man’s” religion.

The black community in general thinks of the American church treating Christianity as a religion that disregards racism, the black community has also run out of trust for preachers in America. The world is gradually changing and it seems the moral frameworks of religion have changed. The pastor’s, first lady’s, deacons, sisters, and brothers in the church are the main ones dibbing and dabbing in the lives of sin, that they are supposed to preach to their congregation.

Does that behavior sound familiar? Sounds like a hypocrite to me, the black community has become very deaf to what these preachers have to say, not just due to their false teachings but because they neglect to seek justice and equality for every race. Black millennials are amongst the highest in numbers of those leaving black churches. In a vastly changing and developing digital age the church appears stagnant, old fashioned and not willing to change today’s black men and women have a higher use of knowledge but lack of faith.

The millennials are also leaving the church because they are not content with the biblical passage, and the lies preached by churches for years also the bible which has been edited dozens of times by man himself. The church is one that measures its membership and success by how many people attend. There are many potential factors that play a role such as people not being “saved” it is not as prevalent as it was before many years ago.

The world does not know what it really needs only the man above does, if he doesn’t who does?

Staff Writer; Myra Moore

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