Friday, July 26, 2024

Self-Care: Learning to Love and Appreciate Who You Are.

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( In a world full of so much animosity and negativity, it can be easy to fall into hopelessness. Especially with all that’s going on politically and how the decisions at the top affect us at the bottom, we can become side tracked, discouraged and extremely anxious. In those moments when you don’t know what to do or you feel overwhelmed, you have to take some time aside for you. This is a good thing.

Some people may say that it’s selfish or unnecessary or even silly, but don’t let the words of others who have no idea what’s going on inside of you, prevent you from doing things that help make your life a little easier. From taking a break from something or someone, to going on a trip or spending time alone, you have to learn to love yourself, despite what’s going on in and around you.

So because we can all use a little tender love and care, here are some self-love/self care ideas to try now, because “me time” is always the right time.

Take a Trip

Sometime we are not as aware of ourselves as we think we are or as we would like to be. If it is necessary for you to “find yourself,” taking a short trip alone can reveal a lot about the kind of person you really are. It is fun traveling by yourself and perhaps if you are one who needs to have people around you all the time, an impromptu vacation alone may not be a bad idea.

Do What Feels Good

Too many times, black women feel like they have to save the world. This hero complex that many have can sometimes make bring feelings of guilt when we actually take time out for us. That guilt can be debilitating. If you like to read, go to a park and do your thing. If you love when your nails and toes are pretty and fresh, work that into your schedule (and budget) once a week or every other week. Whatever gives you joy, makes you feel good, or brings peace to your mind, do it unapologetically.

Take a Break

Life is so crazy at times that we can’t always see what’s good for us. With that, sometimes it is necessary to take a break from things. Whether it is a relationship, a friendship or work, love yourself enough to realize the importance of regrouping. It is a powerful thing actually because taking a break will let you refocus and clear your mind, which often is all you need to move on to the next stage of your life.

Pamper Yourself

You deserve it do you hear me! There is nothing like spending a day where you pamper yourself. You can do it at home in the comfort of your own space, or go to a spa. It does not matter. What this will do is give you clarity to relax your mind and body so that you can reflect on who you are and who you want to be.

I cannot express how powerful self-care and self-love are. Life is too short and complicated to be unhappy or not know how amazing you are. Do you boo.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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