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Managing Your Money: How To Get More For Less.

February 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comNot everyone likes to talk about money, and not everyone likes to deal with it either. But, all of have to get serious about money at some point in our lives. And for you, now might be the time. If you’ve suddenly realised that you need to get a better grip on your finances, this post should help you to do it. It’s always useful to work on ways to manage your money better, including knowing what you earn and what you spend – as well as picking up new ways to spend wisely and get more in life, for less.

Diversify Your Income

You might think that this sounds confusing, but it’s really quite simple. Diversifying your income means that you have more than one income stream. Although you may work a 9-5 job, you can still earn more money in other ways to increase your earnings and have a fallback option is anything should go wrong in your career. There are many different avenues that you could take, such as starting a blog or using your hobbies to create something and sell it.

Track What You Spend

Alongside figuring out how you can make more, you should also start to look at what you’re spending. Sometimes, you can be spending a whole lot more than you think. You might know what you spend on your car or cell phone, insurances and groceries, but what about the other expenses that always seem to creep in – like coffee, and books? When you start tracking what you spend, you can then work on ways to budget a bit better.

Use Coupons

If you’ve never used coupons before, you need to start. Although you might instantly think of the crazy couponer shows that always seem to be made, you can actually save yourself a lot of money by using coupons (keeping track of sites like can show you how). When you shop, make sure to look out for any valid coupons that you can use to save money on items that you would have purchased anyway.


What happens to all of the clothing that you buy? Chances are, you wear a few items, and then they find their way to the back of the wardrobe. When that’s the case, you should schedule in a regular clear out. If you have items that you’ve not work in ages, why not recycle them by selling them online? That way, someone else can get some wear out of them and you get a little bit of extra money to put towards more clothing purchases.

Save Smart

And then there’s the idea of saving. If you haven’t got any saving together yet, you might want to start thinking about how much you can spare. Investing isn’t for everyone, but it can be a good option is you want to increase your interest and improve your savings outlook. If that doesn’t interest you, speak to your bank about the standing savings options available to you.

Staff Writer; Lisa Hall

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