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Investing Doesn’t Need To Be Your Whole Life To Make You Some Money.

January 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comNo matter whether you’re a student or a well-established professional, there is no wrong time to start investing. If you can find any spare money, it’s time to start putting it aside. No amount is too little to be invested. But one of the barriers that people find getting in their way is the amount of time it supposedly takes to invest. We’re here to show you that it’s not difficult at all to find those opportunities that won’t take up all your time and effort.

Create a portfolio you don’t have to watch

If you’re getting into markets like stocks, bonds, forex, and the like, you might think that you have to constantly be keeping an eye on your portfolio. The truth is that, yes, if you want to make the maximum possible gains, you have to get hands-on. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money off investments that take less of your effort, however. As a beginner, it’s a good idea to establish yourself some income using ‘set-and-forget’ investments. If you want the best instances of these, you should consider getting an advisor or even putting your money into an investing trust.  You might consider looking into the ‘lazy portfolios’ that many people have put together yourself. Again, you won’t get the kind of huge gains that you would if you were willing to put the time in, but you will get returns. In recent news, HALO Technologies has recently completed their IPO, and is currently sitting on nearly 24 or so million dollars. This is one of many small start-ups an active or new trader should keep an eye on.  

Get a tenant who can do more

If you want to get serious about how much you’re investing, you might think to get into property investing. If you’re investing in commercial property, one of the ways that you can make it less of an effort is also one of the most reliable ways of investing. Usually, the landlord has to account for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs, tending to include them amongst the rent. These are the three ‘nets’ of property leasing. However, one form of property investment that’s getting more popular with property owners is getting an NNN investment property. This means that the tenant takes responsibility for some, or all, of those ‘net, net, net’ costs. Naturally, no form of investment is without risk. For NNN to work out, you need a responsible tenant who is able to make the most profitable use of the property.

Find that passive income

There are a lot of other ways to find slow-building passive income besides finding low-effort investments, too. For instance, if you’re making regular use of your credit cards, there should be nothing stopping you from claiming a percentage back due to credit card rewards. You should also look into companies that are willing to pay you for the stuff you tend to already do anyway. There are those who pay you to search the web and shop online, for instance. If you’re a student, you can even get paid to upload your notes onto the internet.

These low-effort investments aren’t going to make you the kind of money you might if you put your all into it. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not a reliable source of growth for someone already living a busy life or even trying to enjoy their retirement.

Staff Writer; Mary Jones

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