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Showing Gratitude To Your Wedding Guests Is More Important Than You Think.

January 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comIn today’s society, we have it drilled into us that a wedding day is all about one thing: the bride. If you are the bride in this scenario and you are in the process of planning your wedding, you may understand how easy it is to get carried away. In many ways, it can be your time to shine. You get to pick a pretty dress, you get pampered with hair and make up and all eyes are on you as your tie the knot with the man of your dreams. The day will most likely pass in a bit of a blue; after all, there is so much to do and see. But one part of your day that it is very important you don’t forget is your guests. They can often get overlooked in the whirlwind that is your wedding day, especially when you are enjoying the time with your new husband and immediate family. But it is important to remember that your guests are just as much a part of your wedding day as you are – after all, it wouldn’t be a wedding (and definitely not a reception!) without them. Here are just a few ways you can show gratitude to your guests.

Thank you cards

Not only do your guests come to your wedding and support you throughout the whole day, they also often buy you a wedding present too. This adds up to a lot of expense and time that they have dedicated to you and your partner, so it’s only right to tell them how thankful you are. Get hold of some personalised wedding thank you cards for a truly meaningful way to express your gratitude. Hand write them all so that they know you have spent time on them – it’s something that is guaranteed to make them smile.


Wedding favors are a very old tradition that dates back thousands of years. They used to be flowers, confectioneries or precious stones, but these days they can be just about anything. Consider picking something unique for your guests so it’s something that differentiates you wedding from all the others they will have been to. Personalized tumbler glasses, framed photos or even mini goodie-bags are all contemporary and fun ideas that your guests are sure to love. Just be mindful of how many people you have invited to the wedding and reception. The extravagance of your favors may need to reflect the size of the guest list.


Even if you throw the swankiest wedding known to man, your guests will value nothing more than your time. Of course, everyone knows that weddings are very special yet busy days. So none of your guests are going to expect you to spend the whole afternoon with them. But it is courteous to try and at least have a good conversation with each of your guests, and to thank them for coming. It may not seem like much, but it will definitely be appreciated by your friends and family.

Staff Writer; Shelia Perry

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