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Your Suit Of Armor: Protection That Every Small Business Needs.

January 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comSetting up a business can be one of the most fantastic and exciting things that you’ll ever do. It allows you to take control of your work life and make money doing something that you’re truly passionate about. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s drawbacks. When you set up your own business, then you’re immediately in a more vulnerable position than you would be if you were just an employee. When the buck stops with you, anything that happens to your business will inevitably have very serious repercussions on your own life. That means that it’s so important that your business is as well protected as possible. Fortunately, getting that protection isn’t that difficult. A lot of the time business end up without the right protection simply because they forget about how important it really is. So here are a few pieces of protection that every small business needs.

Trademark protection

Your trademark is your brand; it’s the thing that creates the strongest impression with customers and investors. It acts as a sign to the world of what your business really is. Without a strong brand, there’s no way that you’ll be able to push your business forward in any meaningful way. This means that you trademark needs to be secure and protected. Xavier Morales is an attorney with years of experiences helping businesses secure and safeguard their trademarks in order to ensure that your brand stays safe.


Now, most business owners are aware that their business needs to be insured. Liability insurance is by far the most important and it’s the one that most people are sure to have. The issue is that far too many businesses move forward without thinking about the other kinds of insurance that they need. Property insurance is probably the one that is neglected the most, especially by those who run their businesses from home. This is because many people assume that they don’t need any extra protection on top of their existing home insurance. But there are different requirements that you have to meet when you convert any part of your home into a business, and you can’t afford to neglect them. You should also be sure that you have errors and omissions insurance. This protects you from any mistakes that you make that could cause issues of liability that wouldn’t be covered by standard liability insurance.

Security measures

The vast majority of modern business is conducted online these days, and that puts you at risk from both malware and cyber theft. You need to make sure that all of your data is backed up and that your passwords are all as secure as possible. It’s also important that all of your anti-malware and security software are up to date. Cyber criminals are constantly working to bypass those measures, and by staying up to date, you’re able to make sure that you’re always one step ahead of them.

Staff Writer; Pat Goode

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