(ThySistas.com) The world in which we live puts a lot of stress on women to look a certain way. We must have ample boobage, a round butt and for he love of God, a flat stomach. A lot of ladies are blessed to have a figure that naturally fits the mold, ...

(ThySistas.com) Fall is here and as we say goodbye to summer, many women also say goodbye to their hair color. But just because the most coveted three months of the year are gone, doesn’t mean the fun stops when it comes to your hair. As with fashion, there are colors that ...

(ThySistas.com) Being a mother is one of most rewarding journeys many of us embark upon. There is joy, beauty, love and adventure. If only if were just those things. Being a mother is a lifetime career, and on some days it’s just plain hard work. We learn and grow as our ...

(ThySistas.com) You are a mom, and have a few kids under your belt. You are the Queen of multi-tasking, and are able to function off of limited sleep. Commands, advice and suggestions are given throughout the day without a second thought. Knowing what is needed, and when, is an art you’ve ...

(ThySistas.com) Reishi mushroom is a wonder on the earth. Its health benefits were known to the Chinese even 3000 years ago. Traditionally, it was used for varied medical purposes like for treating various cardiovascular and neurological issues. In modern times, many studies have been conducted on Reishi, which have proved beyond ...

(ThySistas.com) Stress is a part of life. If you reside on planet earth at some point in your life you are going to be affected by stress. The balance is learning how to regain our center and rebalance ourselves so that the stresses of life do not damage our health. We ...

(ThySistas.com) With the amount of mass shootings we’ve seen in the U.S. in 2016, it’s left many people wondering when it’ll end. Something tragic seems to happen every day in America, and it’s leaving people not only sad, but feeling an injustice and even wanting revenge. There are more mass shootings ...

(ThySistas.com) Starting a new job can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences ever. Even though it can be exciting too, it can easily make you nervous. You’ll be in a new company and environment, with new people and responsibilities. It can all feel a bit overwhelming for the first few ...

(ThySistas.com) Nobody wants to have a run-in with the law in their life. But, it’s something that can happen, even to the best of us. What is important is that you know how to deal and that you take decisive action accordingly. Expect A Court Date If you have committed a ...

(ThySistas.com) A few weeks ago I got baptized at church. The very public declaration of my surrender to Jesus Christ and the birth of my born again self was the very anti-climatic end, or perhaps beginning, to my renewed journey and faithful walk with God and my Saviour. Like many Black ...