Holidays: Don’t Go for Broke.

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( When we think of the Holiday season many of us could say Tis the Season to be Broke. Truthfully, many of us overdo it with, or without a budget. This lack of control tends to cause financial problems going into the new year. Many factors contribute to overspending for the holiday… some of it involves overcompensating with our children, and some of it is just plain want. Sometimes we get into a mode whereby we have done so much for others all year long, and we decide regardless of consequence to go all out for ourselves in one large sum.

Well, this holiday season you can decide not to go for broke. Instead, think more carefully and do something about it. For instance, for the smart shopper, keeping a list of US Holidays to help you plan ahead for those expensive holiday periods can help to keep your wallet full. Let’s face it, no one wants to overspend. Getting to a place of financial wealth requires planning, timing, and discipline. It is possible to have the things you want, give good things to your family and keep the finances of the house balanced. It is not a good feeling to start the year off stressing about the rent when you had it, and blew it.

Every mom and dad want to give good things to their children. However, sistahs we must be honest…how many of us are overcompensating. Many of us remember a time when we didn’t have growing up. Some of us remember the pain in our parent’s eyes when they wanted to give us the awesome Christmas with all the latest toys because they felt we deserved it…but they couldn’t afford it. What we often forget is, though this did hurt our parents, they made sure we had the necessities and plenty of love. If there are some items (like gaming systems) that might be cheaper after the holidays…it doesn’t make you a bad parent to wait. Your kids won’t pass out if they don’t get every single thing on their list. Furthermore, going forward holiday shopping is much more economical if you buy throughout the year. Doing this will keep you from having to drop large sums of money at one time.

For those of us that make HUGE holiday meals…watching for sales and shopping in advance saves quite a bit of money. Furthermore, if you are cooking for a large group of people there is nothing wrong with asking the family to pitch in financially. Many of us might look down on that, but everyone will be eating and taking home plates…so why should one family shoulder the expense and the labor. Be fair to your household finances.

Sistahs, many of us do so much for others in our home and outside of it. We sacrifice all year long, and by holiday season we are ready to splurge on self. The bottom line is this is not a healthy practice, and you can go for broke in the process. Take stock of you throughout the year. Have time set aside to do things that you want to do for you and you only. This alleviates the need to overcompensate for a year worth of sacrificing.

Planning and discipline can help you make purchases throughout the year that will allow you to have the holiday you want lacking nothing. This will also allow you to keep financial balance in the house. Doing this alleviates stress, and fallouts behind money and bills. Peace is important, but it doesn’t happen by chance. Spending the bill money to have an awesome holiday doesn’t feel good after the fact. You will find yourself having to make other arrangements to make ends meet that will cause you to start the year fighting your way out of immediate debt. Have a happy, and wise, holiday without going for broke.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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