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Is Your Business Prepared For Disaster?

November 16, 2016 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( If you’re running a business, you always need to consider the worst case scenario. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best is a good rule of thumb when it comes down to running a company. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. You might find that your tech crashes or a severe storm impacts your operations. You may even find that an economic downturn destroys the demand for your business. Let’s look at some of the ways to combat these issues.

Rescue From A Recession

If the entire economy starts to take a dive, it can be difficult for any business to stay afloat. You can imagine then how hard it is for smaller online companies to stay in the green. That’s why you should always be running your business with the possibility of a recession on your mind. Keep costs low and make sure that your business is more competitive than it needs to be.

Bad Weather Breaks Business

It’s true to say that a particularly nasty storm could cripple your business. If you are running a company online, you might be reliant on cloud servers. Unfortunately, an earthquake can knock out unprotected servers. That’s why you should make sure you can access a backup server that is protected.

Tech Disaster

Or finally, you might find that for whatever reason the tech your business uses crashes. This could be due to a hack or even a natural event. In October 2016, a DNS hack sent thousands of businesses into panic mode. You can see exactly what happened in the infographic below and it could happen again. That’s why you need to be prepared, partnered with a company that can keep your business secure.

Infographic Produced By Red Stag Fulfillment

Staff Writer; Jazzie Jacobs

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