Keep It Hot Through Winter! Date Night Tips To Warm You Up.

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(ThySistas.comIt’s tempting to hibernate through the winter – it’s cold and dark outside and all we really want is to stay at home where it’s warm and cozy. But it’s important to make sure that your relationship survives winter! Here are some date night tips to keep you warm through the darkest months.

Go Ice Skating

Even if you don’t know how to ice skate, now is the perfect time to learn. Outdoor ice rinks are the perfect place for a romantic date – once you’ve got your balance you can skate around the rink, holding hands and listening to the festive music that’s sure to be playing, before going for hot cocoa. Make sure you choose a time of day when there are no little kids – nothing ruins the mood like a four-foot 123black-couple-winter-dawhirlwind zooming into you and knocking you over!

Go On A Pub Crawl

There’s nowhere like a pub or wintery bar for the perfect cozy atmosphere. If you’re in luck, you might even be able to find somewhere with a roaring fire! Mark out your route before you go out, and ask the bartender at each establishment what their best wintery drink is. Do make sure to bring your id or in some cases fake id. Click here, sites like FYD, can help one obtain proper papers, as who doesn’t want to have fun with family/friends. So, prepare for whisky and honey in hot toddies, hot buttered rum and cinnamon spiced apple pie cocktails! Remember to stay safe – don’t mix your drinks too much unless you’re willing to accept a terrible headache the next morning, and use coupons for Uber to get home safely.

Go For A Romantic Weekend Away

Whether you want to try out a boutique hotel or a cabin in the woods for some snowy hiking, a weekend away is the perfect way to spice up your winter. Make an old-fashioned mix tape for the drive up, and turn off your cell phone for the weekend, so you can soak in the hot tub, explore the picturesque woods, and enjoy some wintery alone time in peace. Make sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast in case you get snowed in! But on the other hand, if you’re having a romantic winter break, would that really be the worst thing?

Spend A Dreamy Night In Together

Okay, so we advised you not to hibernate through the whole winter – but curling up on the couch next to your favourite person can be nothing but delightful. Make sure you make a big deal out of your romantic evening in – invest in a fondue set and enjoy a night of either melted cheese or melted chocolate, and then you can each pick a movie to watch. Whether you want to stick with Christmas classics like Miracle On 34th Street or It’s A Wonderful Life or if you want to hide behind a pillow in front of a horror movie, make a big bowl of buttered popcorn to share and make sure you’re wearing your coziest and most comfortable pajamas. If you really want to push the boat out and make it a special night, put a mattress on the floor and cover it with pillows and blankets – building a warm fort and cuddling up together will create one of your favourite ever winter memories.

Staff Writer; Shirley Brown