(ThySistas.com) A new school year is beginning and it is a time of excitement and adjustment. Our students are preparing for new classes, teachers and sports seasons. Parents are often excited that the children are embarking on a new adventure, but we must also help them prepare. Some parents have children that desire to be athletes, and some have kids that are already in place. The number one priority of school should always be academic excellence. Too many times our children make the grave mistake of valuing their physical athletic ability over there academic scholastic potential. Athletic ability should be a compliment to the education experience not its priority. As parents we must know how to support our student-athletes so that they may be successful in the classroom, and in their perspective sport.
When our children get involved in sports this is another opportunity to teach them about time value. Anything worth having requires sacrifice, and knowing ones limits. One way we can support our student athlete is by making sure they don’t take on too many activities at one time. Academic studies must be managed and balance with said sport(s). There are some students that excel at multiple sports, but as they get older they must decide if they need to narrow down the list in order to balance life in the classroom. Proper planning and scheduling will assist our students in meeting all of their obligations.
Mom it is very easy for some of us to jump into “moms got it” mode, but this can hurt our children in the long run. We must demand they take ownership of their schedule, and be accountable for their responsibilities. Yes practice can be rigorous, but homework must be completed. Yes, you are tired, but that doesn’t excuse telling me about events at the last minute. I know you are “super” busy, but NO mom is NOT doing your research for you. I know you want to relax, but yes you must still contribute to the chores in this house. Our children are more resilient than we realize. It may sound harsh, but demanding their accountability is also supporting our children. When we teach them how to manage their time, and prioritize their obligations and activities we are raising responsible young people.
No one wants to see their child fail so we must put them in the best possible position to succeed. We play a part in assisting our student athletes even in their athletic endeavors. Moms, and dads, we do need to make sure they are eating properly. It is important to train our kids to stay hydrated…and stay on top of them about it. If we know practice is taxing then when they are with us how we feed them matters. Yes, children that are involved in sports tend to have large appetites. Let’s lead them to the fruits, veggies, protein and drinks that are healthy. If we know they should stretch daily…stay on top of them about it as this can reduce the chances of injury.
Supporting an athlete is much more than cheering in the stands. Within the proper guidelines and regulations of the sport…let the coaches do their job. We can’t coddle our athletes and expect them to succeed; its hard work and we must get out of the way. Just as we should not stand in the way of a teacher that raises the bar and expects our child to perform to their potential…the same applies to coaches. Sometimes children will try to find a way out of the conditioning drills or laps. They very well may try to use you to get around it, but then we can’t complain if we give in…and they aren’t the best they can be. Accountability is the key.
Student athlete is a mouthful. As parents we must support all aspects of our children. The classroom is priority at all times as it is the primary purpose of school. With that being said supporting athletic endeavors are also rewarding when done properly. We cheer for report cards covered in good grader, and we cheer for awesome touchdowns and jump shots. However, the support we give at home in both areas is a part of the hard work necessary to get to the cheering section. When we watch our children excel and were with them for the journey…we know the fortitude that was forged in their success. It is an honor and a privilege to have played a vital role.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/christian.pierre.9809 and also Twitter; http://twitter.com/MrzZeta.
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