(ThySistas.com) Whether you are involved in a deep, passionate, long-term relationship or just having a one night sexual fling with a man or woman, sexual intercourse is an energetic exchange. It does not matter if you have sex for 2 minutes or 20 years, you are a direct reflection of those who share your sexual energy with. Just as we are able to spread sexually transmitted diseases and illnesses such as the flu or a common cold, we too spread energetic debris.

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff
Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @
The Magick Playhouse; http://dinatuff.blogspot.com/
Twitter; https://twitter.com/DinaTuff
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/ClubMagick
Do you only care about helping black women or do you care about white woman as well?
Hey Ayla, how are you? As a black woman I am extremely passionate about helping other black women in their healing and spiritual journey. I am first and foremost a black woman. Nonetheless I would hope that all women, not just the black and white ones, can benefit from my work and grow.
Thank You this is very helpful.