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Are Your Medical Bills Mounting? Here’s How To Pay For Them.

February 8, 2016 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The best way to maintain your health is to visit the doctor on a regular basis. As they are medical professionals, they can use their expertise to keep your body ticking over. Plus, they can negate any health issues that may occur in the future. The only reason you may not visit a doctor is because of the cost. There is no doubt that medical bills are costly. And, you can’t afford to go every week if you don’t have the money. Luckily, there are several ways to cover the bill.

Get Someone Else To Pay

This may sound facetious, but it is a legitimate tactic. There are times when you need to see a doctor due to an injury that wasn’t your fault. You may trip and fall, or you may be subject to an accident at work. Whatever the scenario, it isn’t fair that you have to fork out for the bill when it wasn’t your fault in the first place. Instead, you should hire a personal injury lawyer to find you more favorable terms.  If you are hurt because of someone else’s negligence, they should cover the costs. Another option is to use your insurance. As long as the premiums are affordable, you should invest in a policy just for your medical bills alone.

HaggleAfrican American nurse using stethoscope on hospital patient

Haggling is a great way to save money on everything from your grocery bills to your medical bills. The principle is the same, yet people assume it won’t work. It does work because doctors are normally more sympathetic to your cause. They are people that want to make a difference in the world first and make money second. If you are in a tight spot, they may be able to come to a compromise on the cost. In the end, that is haggling at its best.

Ask For Help

There are a couple of ways you can ask for help, but the first is to ask the surgery or the hospital. They are the ones that control the cost, and they are the ones that can make a difference. It’s not to say that they will lower the cost. But, they may help you find a way to pay without having to find the money all at once. For example, they may create a payment plan over the course of a couple of months. Alternatively, you can ask your friends and family for help. If they have the money, they will gladly help. And, you don’t have to pay more in interest rates.


After you visit the doctor, go and buy your medication from the supermarket. The medication at the supermarket is very similar to the medication at the pharmacy. All you need to know is what to look for and where to find it. Then, you can save a fortune in medical bills as supermarkets can offset the price of their other products. There is no need to buy direct from the doctors when you have all of the information to hand.

Staff Writer; Hillary Jacobs




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