Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Buying a House? Watch Out For These Things!

June 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Buying a property is a huge decision, there are so many different things you’ll need to consider and make sure are right before parting with your hard earned cash. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the moment when you see a house you love, and overlook some of the less desirable […]

Tips for Parents and Homeschooling.

June 7, 2020 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

The current time at home is already stressful enough with having to adjust to spending more time in your living room than in an office.  Your children are experiencing a similar shock; they cannot participate in school dances. They cannot talk with their friends during lunch about an upcoming test or the latest break up.  Education is important, but it is more important to make sure that your family is physically and mentally sane. Take care of home first. Then, take some time to participate in learning opportunities just to make sure they do not forget.  School teaches, but home can do the same.

An Education Change Is Gonna…Wait. It’s Here.

It is funny how Sam Cooke’s lyrics can apply to the current education system.  State and Federal education agencies do not want to collaborate.  Online education companies are knocking other companies’ down just for financial compensation.  Parents are running trying to find out ways to help their children keep the fire of knowledge lit in these despairing times.  It is possible for all of us to get over the bridge together and have policies in place that can help us operate long after Coronavirus has a cure.  The change is not coming. It is here. We need to figure out a plan before we are on our knees.

How To Become A Rural Internet Provider.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) There are literally thousands of different business startup ideas that you can consider. Each of them is rewarding, but if you’re thinking of doing something a little unusual, you may wish to consider becoming a rural Internet provider. According to Statista, there are over 293 million Internet users in the United States. The […]

The 25%: Let the Rain Fall.

I always knew that Loose Ends was just talking about love and what happens when I get to difficult times. Then, I realized this song is about any aspect of life when I encounter hardships.  The song hits completely different when you can apply it to your life.  It is not something I am willing to admit, but I have no choice but to do so.

A Journal Can Save Your Life.

June 3, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

A text message conversation turned into an argument with one of my friends.  My blood pressure started to rise. My face felt hot and red.  I was ready to be done with this person.  I stopped texting them and went to my journal.  I wrote down how I felt and realized that the argument was actually my fault.  I gave myself 24 hours to figure out what I wanted to say. Afterward, I called the friend the next day to explain what I actually meant.  We discussed it and apologized to each other for our parts in the misunderstanding. At that moment, journaling saved an actual relationship.

Your Schedule is Important.

Furthermore, you are sending a message to others that you have plenty of expendable time when that is furthest from the truth. Your schedule, which equates to the moving parts of your life, is important. Value that schedule, and demand that others value it in kind. Be unapologetic about taking care of your first order of business, you and your household. This will allow you to actually taste and enjoy relaxation. It will also expose to you the relationships in your life that need to be re-defined or ended as they are toxic. Make you and the work you do a priority without excuse.

Finally, Black Women. Some Harmony!

The rest of us work,  wrap our hair every night, and send texts of affirmation to our friends before going to sleep.  We love each other despite our faults. On May 9, 2020, Erykah Badu and Jill Scott made an incredible statement.  They taught the world that black women are not just our anger. We are our voices. We are our beauty. We are our children.  We are each other.  Society, social media, and entertainment will brainwash you into believing we are better separated.  No, we are not.  We can be ourselves, and we can do it with each other.  So, right on Jilly from Philly & Ms. Badu. Right on.

Six Tips For Getting The Most Out Of IT Services.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Managed IT services are a common thing for businesses to outsource. There are lot of benefits to doing this, but some businesses can be a little nervous about trusting something so important to someone outside the company. Managed IT services can be well worth it, especially if you’re upscaling, and here’s why.  1. […]

How To Get Into The Mindset Of Success And Prosperity.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) The way we view things in our heads makes up so much of life. The top two inches of us can be a game-changer. We often consider our brain to simply be the thing that allows us to store information and come up with all kinds of answers to life’s questions, but it […]

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