(ThySistas.com) Mr. Right does not exist in the way we think of him. So many want to be in relationships thinking it will bring happiness and fulfillment. The man involved will be everything you need, and want, if he sees life through the focus of your needs. When it becomes obvious ...
(ThySistas.com) Love. Everyone wants it and many feel that they know what it is, but there is so much that goes into really loving another person. It’s something that we have to work at because as humans, we are naturally selfish beings. Of course, there are those who are more selfless ...
(ThySistas.com) Cheating on one’s spouse is never acceptable. There is no justification for the disloyalty. Granted two wrongs don’t make a right, and in marriage spouses can provoke another to isolation. When one feels alone in a marriage they are vulnerable, but one must remember that great marriages are not built ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us pass off Reality TV shows as merely entertainment. When the conversation is brought up that this portrays us, as black women, in a negative light we are instantly told its just TV. The problem is television can be considered an art form as sure as someone wrote ...
(ThySistas.com) Dads are special, and to be cherished. In their unique strength, they play a very large role in molding us to be who we are. When dad is there for his daughter he is the first man she will ever love, and her first protector. When toys, gadgets and life ...
(ThySistas.com) It is a beautiful thing when mothers dote on their daughters, and spend time helping them develop their femininity. Learning how to enjoy a nice pedicure and manicure as a young age helps to set the standard for self-care for young girls. The concerning trend is that mothers are trying ...
(ThySistas.com) If you’ve been looking for an engagement ring recently then you may have heard about temporary engagement rings. For some, the idea does seem a bit strange. Proposing to your partner – in the hope that they’ll become your fiancé and then your spouse – is generally considered to be ...
(ThySistas.com) Sisters it is a fact that brothers have a hand in the state of our community. We know that some of them need to step up, and be fathers to their children. Yes, we have brothers that need to deal with their internal battles so that they are not taking ...
(ThySistas.com) On Sunday mornings, the churches are filled with black women. We are considered the backbone of the church. We put energy into church attendance as apart of spiritual priority, and even out of tradition, and we bring our children. We must be mindful that our church is meeting our spiritual ...
(ThySistas.com) Break-ups are one of the worst parts of anybody’s life. No matter how long the relationship lasted, it will always be difficult to deal with when it comes to an end. It won’t always end nicely and it can get complicated, especially if there are kids involved. There is always ...
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