(ThySistas.com) 1 in 4 women, will become victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives.  There are no justifiable reasons why women stay in abusive relationships, but there are definitely factors to consider. Disclaimer: every case of domestic violence related incidents are different so the content below is ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s mating time!!!!  Just as you plant seeds in the ground for flowers to eventually bloom, it’s time to plant seeds into new relationships.  Hopefully by now, you’ve done the necessary work to get over your ex and you’re ready to get back into the dating game.  Here’s some tips ...

(ThySistas.com) Infidelity is not something that you can easily bounce back from but if you decide to stay, you and your partner must do the work, to heal from it.  Infidelity is one of the darkest moments in relationships but depending on the people involved in the relationship, determines how you ...

(ThySistas.com) Relationships go through various stages just like the four seasons every year.  Now unlike the actual seasons in the calendar year that has a certain date and time that they begin, relationship seasons can be quick lasting a few days or weeks or a particular season can last for years. ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s often said regarding relationships “women never admit when they are wrong” or that “women are always right”. Sistahs lets be honest, some of us believe both of those statements. This is not to say men are neve wrong. We are aware there are men that mistreat women in ...

(ThySistas.com) There is plenty discussion on what some men need to do to be an active participant in the life of their children. However, its time that we come together as women to encourage each other to give our children a fair opportunity to know their father. Far too often we ...

(ThySistas.com) Too many mothers are made to believe they must be any and everything to their children. If they can’t answer every call, they are negligent as a mother. We are told once we have children motherhood is now our identity, and whoever we were before this state is irrelevant. The ...

(ThySistas.com) Black women are known for their strength and resilience. It is a wonderful part of our character. We find a way to be there for our family, friends, and community. There is usually a sister that tends to be the calm in the midst of a storm. She stands out ...

(ThySistas.com) You don’t notice how far relationships have traveled until you find yourself binge-watching some of your favorite classics. The charming Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Disney depicts a somewhat traditional gender role lifestyle where the dwarves work, and Snow White is left at home to clean and cook ...

(ThySistas.com) Pick your head up, it is literally going to be okay.  Their lost not yours and thank God things ended before you walked down that aisle and spent thousands of dollars on a huge wedding.  I know you may can’t see it now, but you’ll be back to dating and ...