(ThySistas.com) Life happens to us and in some cases it scars us in a way that leaves the experience etched into the brain. Those experiences have the power to shape our perspective, and the circles we’d run in or avoid. How people are seen becomes tainted regardless of how intelligent, ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us have heard the phrase “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. It was one of the “nonbiblical” scriptures use to drive home the point that everything about us needed to be clean. Life happens in so many ways that everything around us can be thrown into disarray. Sometimes ...
(ThySistas.com) The only thing in this life that we can control is self. You’ve heard this before at some point in your life. When we thing of control in terms of controlling another person, some of us will think of men. However, sistahs too many of us want to control ...
(ThySistas.com) Hip-Hop is going through a lot at the moment. Every time we look up, it seems, there is another reason to say R.I.P., we’re shaking our heads because we don’t know what Ye is going to say next for those that still pay attention, and no it seems Drake ...
(ThySistas.com) Every single human being is entitled to their feelings about any given matter. These feelings can be positive, negative, or indifferent. Feelings can be warnings, and sometimes they can be a defense mechanism that enable us in the worse way. It is very important that we not only understand ...
(ThySistas.com) Spirituality is vital to existence regardless of ones acknowledgement, or knowledge of such. In such a space everything has a purpose. There is no such thing as mundane action and movement. Everything that we do that has an effect on our natural space effects our spiritual existence. Understanding is ...
(ThySistas.com) “Death is a return” is a statement I’ve heard on many occasions. I can’t say I disagree with the statement, but I can say it has never brought me any level of comfort. It’s more of a factual understanding that I can acknowledge. Sometimes it may serve to remind ...
(ThySistas.com) I have heard the line about women having to mold their man and turn them from boys to men for years but I never really took heed to it. I always felt that it was counterintuitive. Why should I have to raise someone that is supposed to be the ...
(ThySistas.com) We have all become accustomed to the fast paced world we live in, and the constant movement and energy it takes to keep up with it. The kids have extracurricular activities that you are busting your butt to get them to on time, after hours of dealing with delusional ...
(ThySistas.com) Six years is a long time. Actually, it translates to 2,190 days, and a lot can happen to a person in that amount of time. It is said that the average married couple has sex 109 times a year. Single people, on the other hand, are free to live ...
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