(ThySistas.com) Submit according to dictionary.com means to give over or yield to the power or authority of another. Yield means to give up or surrender (oneself) according to dictionary.com. So if we were to define the word submit in layman’s terms it would be to give someone other than ourselves, that ...

(ThySistas.com) Broken hearts are not cute, neither are there any perfect success formulas on how to stitch broken hearts back together.  No matter what was the cause of the breakup, using these tips below will help you or someone you know, embark on the road of healing from a breakup. Take ...

(ThySistas.com) We live in a time by which we are to be accountable for nothing. It is easier to talk about our feelings as a result of a situation, or choice, verse owning the matter. It is quite okay to admit you embarked upon an unplanned path. It is human to ...

(ThySistas.com) Going to church is a good practice. There is plenty of positive aspects that exist when you attend a good church that are attentive to their members and the needs of said members. However, we need to be clear about what church can and can not do. Sisters putting your ...

(ThySistas.com) “You will never find time for anything.  If you want time, you must make it.” – Charles Bixton Women are so busy these days being a mother, wife and career woman that they often neglect taking those small pockets of time, and doing things for themselves.  Those small pockets of ...

(ThySistas.com) When tragedy hits us, and days remind us of what we lost, we look to our support systems for help getting through those times. Sisters it’s very important to understand your grief process has to work for you. This can cause added discomfort because we can find ourselves being evaluated ...

(ThySistas.com) Ladies we are in a time by which it is considered strength to stand up against those that perpetuate rape culture. It is important to note rape culture is not something that just affects women, as we are not the only victims of such. Furthermore, men are not the only ...

(ThySistas.com) Sex can be a very tense situation when you find yourself wanting after every encounter. It can be very difficult to open up to your partner about what turns you both off and on. Far too often many of us, men and women, engage a partner sexually based on our ...

(ThySistas.com) Over the years having natural hair is becoming the evolution of women evolving everywhere.  Although we are a long way from natural hair being accepted in corporate America, it is inclusive in the hiring process discussions, which is a start.  More and more women are learning to embrace their natural ...

(ThySistas.com) We hear men say that certain kinds of women can’t be turned into housewives…well certain kinds of men can’t be turned into husbands. Unfortunately, there are sisters out here staking their everything on someone that isn’t as invested. What makes this troublesome is the brother has showed you that you ...