Sunday, September 15, 2024

Don’t Kill the #MeToo Movement.

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( Ladies we are in a time by which it is considered strength to stand up against those that perpetuate rape culture. It is important to note rape culture is not something that just affects women, as we are not the only victims of such. Furthermore, men are not the only assailants. Rape culture is something by which women and men are victims. It is important that we understand that men are apart of the rape survivor group, just as there are women that are rapist.

This is the dawn of a new day whereby those that have been violated say NO MORE, and we stand in solidarity these that have been violated. This is a powerful stance because it does not exclude people of influence, and power. Anyone that commits these heinous crimes can be spoken out against until they are brought to justice.

With the magnitude of this movement, and all the good it can do we must be careful not to turn it into a witch hunt. This isn’t a place for women that just hate men and want to enact vengeance upon them. It’s important to say that because we’ve already seen instances whereby women scream past sexual assault, but where speaking falsely.

Every woman that tells a false narrative makes it so much harder for those of use that have lived the horror of sexual assault. It is important that we not only stand strong but stand in truth. Just as there are men that have suffered sexual abuse #MeToo is not a death to all men movement…it is one that seeks justice for women that have had their lives made a living hell due to sexual assault.

If we are to truly attack rape culture and when it is important that we go after everyone that commits these acts and tolerates them. This means we will find ourselves facing some of our own sisters. The current president is a man that committed sexual assault, yet he still received a majority vote from white women. We must realize there are women that support men that commit sexual assault, and there are women that are the violators themselves. Some of the same practices we demonize men for committing in the workplace are also committed by women. Some women have been sexually assaulted by women. No one that commits these acts should have a place to hide.

For the #MeToo movement to achieve the work and awareness it can there must be fairness, equality and absolutely no double standards. We can’t legitimize a movement that doesn’t care about truth or simply becomes a sexual assault witch hunt. This type of behavior can actually backfire on women as men that haven’t committed these acts gear up to protect themselves from false allegations. We run the risk of finding doors of advancement closed to us not because we are women, but because men fear the false accusation. It is vital that we don’t kill al movement that is poised to bring about positive change, as we work towards the death of rape culture.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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