(ThySistas.com) The malls are closed, online shopping sales have increased, student loan interest rates have been postponed until later on this year and this pandemic is still present across the globe. Now is the perfect time to save money by building your emergency funds. Most Americans do not have an ...
(ThySistas.com) During this time, staying home doesn’t have to be boring and all work. You can do simple things that will bring you joy, fun and excitement. Even if you have small children at home or if you’re single and live alone, you can still enjoy this time of staying ...
(ThySistas.com) In today’s society, we would have never predicted that a sometimes, deadly virus called COVID-19 would soar across our country and viciously change life as we know it. No one can control it’s whereabouts as hard as we try to contain the virus nor with the limited knowledge of ...
(ThySistas.com) The shoe company, Nike, has been telling us for years to “Just Do It”. Have we been listening? Eh…it depends. Before we do anything, a lot of us think about possibilities. We think about our safety. We think about how it may affect our close family and friends. We ...
(ThySistas.com) Charlie Kirk for Fox News reports the following: “Despite these warnings, young Americans have been openly defying the president and his team of medical professionals, who are practically begging the Gen Z and millennial generations to adhere to social distancing guidelines.” Kirk does go on to say that it ...
(ThySistas.com) Mental energy is something that is not unlimited. We expend this in everything we do, but some areas of life require more energy than others. I find that dealing with people, especially those whereby there is an emotional investment, can drain you in a way that has you unable ...
(ThySistas.com) Society these days say feelings over everything. How we feel is to be catered to at all costs. If you want to grow a relationship it is important to mind your communication. Triggers are to be avoided at all cost…even the ones you don’t know exist as you will ...
(ThySistas.com) Picture it: 2020. You have people in your life who treat you like crap. You have people who make every type of excuse to keep from helping you. You keep sending text messages and attempting video chats with people who never reciprocate the same actions toward you. And yet…you ...
(ThySistas.com) When people wake up from a peaceful and beautiful slumber, they make decisions that they have postponed for a long time. “Today, I will ask him out.” “Today, I will finish my book.” “Today, I will file my taxes.” It is amazing to actually accomplish whatever has been on ...
(ThySistas.com) Inhaling the high from applauds must be heavenly for those who express their creativity on stages. I admire them for their dedication to their craft. Their task is not easy or popular. There comes a time that the show ends, lights go off, and it is time to exit ...
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