Sunday, September 15, 2024

Things You Can Do While You Stay Home.

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( During this time, staying home doesn’t have to be boring and all work.  You can do simple things that will bring you joy, fun and excitement.  Even if you have small children at home or if you’re single and live alone, you can still enjoy this time of staying home more than ever before.  Everything that I mention below is FREE to do unless you choose to spend money to make the experiences better.

Declutter and enjoy your favorite songs while doing it.  Now is the perfect time to declutter your home and earn some extra cash if you decide to sell a few of your items.  You’re probably wondering, “Where is the fun in that?”  Honestly, decluttering is usually not a “fun” thing to do but turning on some music that you enjoy, will make it fun while you’re singing and dancing to your favorite tunes.

Zoom calls with family and friends.  Haven’t seen your friends and family in a while?  Well now, you can host group video chats with them on Zoom for FREE.   I’ve seen others host parties, events, etc., and I have participated in a few Zoom calls with my family and really enjoyed them.  This is especially a great idea for people who live alone or who live in different states from their family.  Of course phone calls or video chats will never be able to replace the physical presence of our loved ones but for now, it’s better this way than have no communication with them at all.

Enjoy a nice backyard picnic.  If you don’t have a backyard, set up a cozy spot in your home on the floor and make the best of your picnic.  You can pull items from what you already have at home to snack on or you can make a list of the items that you need and pick them up the next time you go grocery shopping for your essentials.  Picnics are so relaxing and needed during this stressful time for people.  You can enjoy a backyard picnic alone or with the members of your household.  Again, it doesn’t have to be a big thing to do but it is another option for things that you can do while staying home.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and email servers such as Google have all added new features for video chats due to the stay at home order.  It is not healthy for anyone to be at home alone with no human contact.  I’m an introvert and loving my alone time but I still know that it’s important to stay connected to my loved ones at this time.  Staying home doesn’t have to be more stressful than when you were busy out in the world.

Staying home should be peaceful, relaxing and fun to do if only for once a week.  You can create a schedule and actually plan out fun things to do at home weekly, join a decluttering challenge on social media or sip on your favorite wine and cheese as you lay back in the sun and having a picnic while you stay home.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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