Sunday, September 15, 2024

Don’t Blame the Millennials.

April 15, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

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( Charlie Kirk for Fox News reports the following:  “Despite these warnings, young Americans have been openly defying the president and his team of medical professionals, who are practically begging the Gen Z and millennial generations to adhere to social distancing guidelines.” Kirk does go on to say that it is not everyone in the generation.

Hmm…Millennials, huh? On Spring Break? Really? We must look exceptional for our age.

I know Jay-Z once said “30 is the new 20”. My back, grey hairs, weight did not get that message because I am feeling every nook, cranny, and joint that moves within this 5 foot tall body of mine. I have heard older generations say “in jest” that we millennials are the reason why the COVID-19 outbreak is spreading to more and more people. I will not deny that we are a big reason why this could be happening. We are NOT the only reason, and that needs to be addressed.

First, you have to understand the age bracket for Millennials. According to Pew Research,  the age for millennials is from 1981 to 1996:

Pew Research Center has been studying the Millennial generation for more than a decade. But by 2018, it became clear to us that it was time to determine a cutoff point between Millennials and the next generation. Turning 38 this year, the oldest Millennials are well into adulthood, and they first entered adulthood before today’s youngest adults were born.

This means that most of the people you think are having social gatherings or on spring break are sitting in the office or at home just like you. They are caring for their children just like you. They are trying to survive just like you.  We are not the only ones causing this issue, and assuming for your own sanity is not helping the situation either.

Secondly, I get it. I understand that society always wants somewhere to put blame. We have a tendency to not want to take responsibility at times we are at fault.  Our reasons for this avoidance may vary.  Yet, I wonder how much the blame game is truly helping all of us get to a point of health with an opponent that can not be seen or felt.  From what I am seeing, it is not.

Instead of placing blame,  let us try to take responsibility for ourselves in eradicating this pandemic from the shores of the United States.  If we see someone we know not following the expectations,  guide them onto the right path.  Make care packages for the homeless and jobless. Donate time to helping care for those in your family and keep them from being infected.  There are other things we could be doing instead of trying to avoid responsibility. We have enough people in our government attempting to do that as we speak.

My fellow millennials, Utsha Khatri and Anish Agarwal, say it best:  “This is going to be a long, hard fight, but we, more than any other generation, have the potential to shift the tide and make lifesaving differences. And maybe the term millennials will mean so much more when we get through this.”

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.

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