Thursday, July 25, 2024

Always Wear Your Invincible Crown.

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( In today’s society, we would have never predicted that a sometimes, deadly virus called COVID-19 would soar across our country and viciously change life as we know it.  No one can control it’s whereabouts as hard as we try to contain the virus nor with the limited knowledge of scientists at this time, can we dissolve the pandemic, indefinitely.  What we can control however, is our reaction to whatever problems that we are faced with, during this difficult time.  If you are reading this article and have suffered from loss of income to the loss of a loved one, my prayers are with you and your family during this time.  If the pandemic hasn’t affected you in any way, please continue to remain safe, healthy and give gratitude daily for your many blessings.

I believe back in March of this year, we had no idea that we as women, possessed an invincible crown.  We had no idea that we would embark on a journey that would require us to adjust this invincible crown, in more ways than one.  Think of an invincible crown as a constant reminder that confirms that, everything will truly work itself out.  Your invincible crown is designed specifically for you so therefore, there’s none like yours.  Metaphorically, your crown represents your inner strength.  Your invincible crown doesn’t require you to be perfect or have all of the answers to life’s problems, each and every single time.  It simply urges you to redirect your negative thoughts about yourself or others that will help benefit your life, overall.

As a lifestyle blogger and photographer, COVID-19 shutdown 50% of my income because restaurants, events and the country literally shutdown.  I travel for work as a photographer and as we know, it became seriously unsafe to travel via airplanes.  With half of my income placed on hold until who knows when, I could’ve cried, closed my business and stuck my head under a pillow, forever.

Instead, I adjusted my invincible crown and immediately began showing gratitude towards being safe, healthy and alive and because of that, financially I am in the best position ever.  Times like these are a constant reminder of why it’s important to have multiple streams of income, in which I do.  I knew that while those streams of income were placed on pause, I would be just fine because of my other streams of income that I could easily survive on.

I used myself in as an example to hopefully shed light on how we can’t let anyone or anything, even a pandemic, make our invincible crowns fall from our heads.  In good times and in bad times, we must always position ourselves to be great human beings and give ourselves grace, in our shortcomings and whenever needed.  Take this time to readjust your invincible crown, don’t allow any negative thinking to enter into your thoughts.  You woke up today, so that’s enough of a reason to stay strong and keep going.  This too shall pass and we all will come out of this, better than ever before, even if it’s from something as small as always wearing our invincible crowns.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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