(ThySistas.com) I admit I’ve never been one for Reality TV the amount of messy drama never appealed to me. I truly believe there is an in your face, yet hidden, agenda to make black women hate each other, and to perpetuate a negative narrative between black men and women. There ...

(ThySistas.com) I’d never want to be from anywhere other than New Orleans, LA. I’ve had the opportunity to visit a few places and I truly enjoyed my visit…then I found myself ready to go back home. Every city has their issue to face, New Orleans is no different, but it’s ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us have heard the saying that a marriage should only include three, the spouses and God. Anymore more than these three is a crowd, and that marriage could be headed for disaster. We’ve all heard something similar to this, but can I submit that as accurate as ...

(ThySistas.com) One of the issues with relationships is an inability to tell the truth in one’s own life. It’s a problem because it an become the root of issues in other relationships in the form of manipulation, jealousy, envy, and deceit. I’ll be the first to admit that though I ...

(ThySistas.com) There was time not very long ago at all that I was willing to use the terms village and community interchangeably. I there was no difference in how I saw those that I loved because my position on love is unconditional. I admit I am of those that didn’t ...

(ThySistas.com) I’ve always had a love and respect for my feet. This might sound funny, but as much as I love shoes…I can’t afford for them to offend my feet for any real period of time. It is always important that I find heels that look amazing, but they must ...

(ThySistas.com) Have you ever felt that who you are as a person is solely dictated upon where you are or who you’re with? Do you feel that at times it is mandatory for you to dim your light, not only for others to shine, but simply to be loved or ...

(ThySistas.com) When you think of a luxurious lifestyle, what comes to mind? Is it expensive clothing, shoes, cars, vacations, and mansions? If so, you’re not the only one. Many people think luxury depends on the amount of money you have, but really, it’s a state of mind.  It’s easy to ...

(ThySistas.com) Parents use to subscribe to the local newspaper for coupons, and to have their children read articles about current events and give an oral or written report on what they’ve read. Maybe that was the parents in my family and neighborhood. There was a harping among parents about children ...

(ThySistas.com) The feeling of value and validation is needed in every circle one decides to be a part or remain connected to for any period of time. Part of what makes the connection sound is trust, respect, and a value for one’s position. You aren’t saying the earth must stand ...