(ThySistas.com) New Orleans has been my love all my life. I have had the opportunity to experience other places and while I appreciate the culture they offer I always find myself ready to return to the spirit I know. My city isn’t just a commercialized place that you can visit to ...

(ThySistas.com) Whether you’re starting an eBay store or an accountancy firm, running a business always comes with some background work. It doesn’t matter if you’re big, small, or somewhere in between; there will always be something behind the scenes. For a lot of startups, this added and unexpected pressure can be ...

(ThySistas.com) It sounds like a big deal, but truth be told we’re already using artificial intelligence in our daily lives! Look at SIRI as a good example here for anyone with an iPhone, and Alexa for anyone who likes the comfort of an knowledge database (who can also turn your lights ...

(ThySistas.com) Whether you are running an online business of an office, you will need to be the leader others respect and value. Owning your own company doesn’t make you a manager or leader; your specific skills and abilities do. In today’s competitive business work, entrepreneurs need to focus on future education ...

(ThySistas.com) When you run a business, you need to be making an effort to understand your customers in the fullest way possible. This way, you put yourself in a better position to be able to influence their behaviour, and ultimately, improve your sale. Of course, this is easier said than done, ...

(ThySistas.com) In recent years, more and more people are hearing about Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency. You might not know what it really is, especially if you have only heard the terms in passing on the news, but if you’ve paid attention, then some of the amazing success stories might ...

(ThySistas.com) Everyone knows that, with a baby on the way, there are preparations you should take. As such, large portions of your pregnancy have likely been taken up with painting nurseries and buying baby clothes. You also need to spend time preparing for the life changes. Having a baby will, after ...

(ThySistas.com) January and February are, universally, the most hated months. January is long and financially trying. February suffers as a result. Most of us find ourselves in a state of despair for the duration. We can’t afford to go anywhere, and often, the weather doesn’t allow us to anyway. And, this ...

(ThySistas.com) You are already in the thick of raising your business from the ground to beyond the clouds. You know that running a business is hard work and you don’t need me to tell you that the late hours, managing people and late-night sessions brainstorming how you can push your business ...

(ThySistas.com) Belief is important in different aspects of our lives. For the religious among us, it’s the very building blocks on which we base our existence. But, even those who don’t believe in a higher power fall back on belief from time to time, whether it be in themselves, or in ...