(ThySistas.com) As a New Orleanian I approached this “Blood Debts” by Terry J Benton-Walker with an anticipated caution. I was immediately excited to see a fantasy fiction that didn’t necessary read as fantasy much to me, and it was centered around Black people by a Black author. Most of the ...
(ThySistas.com) Learning about other cultures is exhilarating, especially when you see things that though they are different they remind you of parts of your own culture. A few of my sisters and I have been loving different parts of Asian culture. We have found that Korean and Japanese are the ...
(ThySistas.com) I am a firm believer that poetry is for everyone. Even if a book of poetry is focused on a specific subject, theme, or group there is always something of benefit that can be found by any reader that encounters the words. With that in mind, “Blue On A ...
(ThySistas.com) Poetry is a great literature genre to understand or question self, society, and how the world works in relation to self. Sometimes the words put together in the stanzas make us feel joy and become our go to on a bad day. At times the words can also remind ...
(ThySistas.com) For many years Kerry Washington has been the walking embodiment of grace, poise, and class while also giving the vibe of the laidback girl next door we’d love to kick it with. Unlike some celebrities, the details of her personal life are not a public conversation. This is something ...
(ThySistas.com) Everyone seems to want to tell parents what they feel is the correct way to raise children, while also telling us every child is different. Too many of us are being told out just out of diapers small children need to be independent, make choices, and have authority. However, ...
(ThySistas.com) Gaming is one of my top five relaxation hobbies. When I have had a hard taxing day, or week, I quickly pick up the controller to let off a bit of steam. These games can range from adventures to fighting depending on my mood. Today when I’m done writing ...
(ThySistas.com) My father used to sing a song titled, “Everything Must Change”. Though it has a romantic vibe to it the lyrics can be applied to life. Time is always moving forward, and it stops for no one. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from good ol Father ...
(ThySistas.com) Reality TV is a popular genre of entertainment that features unscripted situations, real-life personalities, and often dramatic conflicts. Some of the most successful reality TV shows in the U.S. include The Bachelor, Survivor, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and The Real Housewives franchise. Among these shows, there is a ...
(ThySistas.com) Parenting is something I don’t see getting easier, as society continues to become an even more dangerous place. In addition to the normal parenting concerns, Black parents in America must prepare their children to live and thrive in a country that historically to present doesn’t value them. With that ...
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