(ThySistas.com) When we come to the end of a year the reflection begins. Many of us have seen the picture of the sister walking away from blocks with negative words on it as she’s stepping into positivity for the upcoming year. So many of us are talking about what we ...
(ThySistas.com) Ah…melodious voices of Jodeci…wrapped in baggy jeans, black vests, black boots, and no shirts to show off their incredible abs. The lyrics of the song “Come and Talk to Me” expresses a man’s dire request to know more about a very attractive woman. Her smile. Her dress. Her walk. ...
(ThySistas.com) “Wow…you don’t have any kids?” “But you’re married. You should have children by now.” “Well, what is wrong with him? Or you?” You try your best to say the aforementioned statements without emotion or disdain. Regardless, they still pinch a small piece of the heart to the woman you ...
(ThySistas.com) $775 billion dollars. The above number is the amount of revenue pharmaceutical companies saw in 2015 based on research from the US Government Accountability Office. I want to be surprised by this number, but I am not. Pharmacies provide chemical compounds in the form of liquids and pills that ...
(ThySistas.com) In a few days we will bring in a new year, and decade. For many these past 10 years have been a trying of our patience. We have lost people that are dear to us, and there are no words for the void that is left behind. Some people ...
(ThySistas.com) Getting our look together is very important. A woman should have the right to invest in her look as she sees fit without judgement. Why a sistah chooses to wear weave, artificial nails, or eyelashes can vary, but she shouldn’t have to justify her reason to anyone. I remember ...
(ThySistas.com) The society we live in moves at 100mph, and we are always plugged into something. Whether we are surfing the web, logged in to social media, distracted by notifications, or connected to toxic people something has hooks in us. This need to be plugged in, or connected, has had ...
(ThySistas.com) Today there is plenty of discussion about energy, vibrations, crystals, alters, ancestor worship, and burning sage. On one hand it is wonderful that many sistahs are looking to wholistic cultural practices to cleanse their environment, remove negative energy and spirits, bring about clarity, and to stay connected to the ...
(ThySistas.com) This is the time where everyone begins to harp on what they will not tolerate in the new year, and what they intend to manifest. If we are honest, we hear the same surface spill every year. I’m going to lose weight, but there isn’t much said about being ...
(ThySistas.com) I admit to being a nerd and one who loves tech, growing up I was always looking for the latest gadget, games, anime or manga. That was always at the top of my Christmas list. Even as an adult you can’t go wrong with me and those kinds of ...
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