(ThySistas.com) When it comes to first dates, there are a lot of questions that go through people’s minds. What should I wear? What should I say? Where should we go? Will this be the person I’m going to marry? This is before even checking out the backpage alternatives websites that ...
(ThySistas.com) Small towns offer challenges in terms of business opportunities. Choose the right type of business, and it’ll do well. Choose one that doesn’t meet the needs of the residents, however, and it’ll fail quickly. Small towns have limited clientele, and residents often resist change and react strongly to poor ...
(ThySistas.com) Everybody dreams of having a peaceful neighborhood. Having nice neighbors makes us feel safe and at peace. However, there will be times when we meet nosy neighbors. There are the ones who are always invasive, and sometimes disrespectful of your boundaries. While you cannot let them leave the neighborhood ...
(ThySistas.com) Every single human being is entitled to their feelings about any given matter. These feelings can be positive, negative, or indifferent. Feelings can be warnings, and sometimes they can be a defense mechanism that enable us in the worse way. It is very important that we not only understand ...
(ThySistas.com) “Death is a return” is a statement I’ve heard on many occasions. I can’t say I disagree with the statement, but I can say it has never brought me any level of comfort. It’s more of a factual understanding that I can acknowledge. Sometimes it may serve to remind ...
(ThySistas.com) I have heard the line about women having to mold their man and turn them from boys to men for years but I never really took heed to it. I always felt that it was counterintuitive. Why should I have to raise someone that is supposed to be the ...
(ThySistas.com) When my ex and I split, it was like someone had taken my oxygen. Over the course of a year we tried to reconcile several times and the final attempt came when I was the one who said, enough is enough. I had finally gotten tired of the drama. ...
(ThySistas.com) We have all become accustomed to the fast paced world we live in, and the constant movement and energy it takes to keep up with it. The kids have extracurricular activities that you are busting your butt to get them to on time, after hours of dealing with delusional ...
(ThySistas.com) Six years is a long time. Actually, it translates to 2,190 days, and a lot can happen to a person in that amount of time. It is said that the average married couple has sex 109 times a year. Single people, on the other hand, are free to live ...
(ThySistas.com) I was at a social gathering last night with a group of young, black women. Most were in this group called “Pinky Promise,” a new movement out there to stay pure before God in EVERY single way. The purpose of this movement and the different groups that have formed ...
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