Thursday, July 25, 2024

How to Make Time for Your Partner.

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( We are all so busy with our lives that sometimes it’s hard to make time for your partner. Sometimes, we neglect our partner’s for logical reasons like working, raising children or taking care of our elderly parents. Although those are all great reasons, you still need to make the effort to spend time with your partner. A busy schedule is not an excuse to ignore or neglect your partner. You should never get comfortable or complacent in your relationship or marriage if you want it to last long.

Here’s a list of some fun and relaxing things that you and your partner can do together:

Go on a quick getaway

Even if it’s booking a hotel for one night, get away from your everyday environment and spend some much needed quality time with your partner. I remember being a kid and even in my teenage years, my parents would book a hotel room for the night in downtown Chicago and go have fun outside of the home and away from their everyday environment.


Cook a dish together

What are your favorite meals? Instead of going out to dinner which takes up time, spend that time cooking together with your partner. If your partner is not quite the chef, have them slice and dice the vegetables, wash the dishes, pour the wine or whatever that doesn’t necessarily involve them cooking.

Set aside a time to talk to your partner

Block off time to talk about random things with your partner. Don’t talk about the kids, work, bills or any social commitments. Only talk about things that entertain you such as a new hobby you discovered, a new movie that you saw or anything that won’t drain the conversation.

Teach each other something

This is great to do if you want to learn a new skill that your partner is an expert in and vice versa. Don’t make it something that will take a long time to comprehend (ex., fixing your credit score or how to invest in stocks). Remember, you want the time that you spend together to be fun and not something that will turn into an argument or take away the intended fun.

Intimacy is key

Last but certainly not least, make the time to be intimate with your partner. I’m not saying that you have to block off an exact date and time to be intimate but make a conscious decision to include it more in your relationship. Time will go by us fast and if you struggle with initiating being intimate, there are tons of resources and tips online to help you out in that area. There are also non-sexual ways to be intimate with your partner but there should be a healthy balance of doing both.

Spending quality time with your partner is one of the best ways to keep any relationship happy and long-term. Periodically check in with your partner and see if there’s anything new that they would like to try in the relationship to avoid each of you becoming complacent and predictable. Spice things up by booking a romantic getaway or cooking a dish together. But whatever you do, just make time for your partner.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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