Friday, September 13, 2024

Working From Home? Here’s Four Things You Need!

December 21, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( We are living in a fantastic time when it comes to the workplace. Our use of technology and the internet has meant that we are able to work flexibly from home whenever we choose to (boss permission pending!). Countless people are choosing to balance their work life and family life a little better and work from the comfort of their own homes, and it comes with huge advantages. Not only are you going to save money on the commute, but you’re also going to be able to maintain good family commitments while remaining stable in your career.

To be successful at working remotely, you need a few things lined up to help: a computer and Office 365 for Business for one, somewhere quiet to work is another! Let’s take a look at four things you need to make your home-working career a successful one!

  • Dedicated Office Space

Okay, so while you may not have space for a proper office in your home, it doesn’t mean that you can’t carve out some space that is just for you. You need somewhere for your desk and all of your tech to live, as well as a space for a comfortable chair! You won’t be able to work permanently on the couch in your pajamas: tempting though that may be!

  • As Few Distractions As Possible

Working from home means there are going to be distractions in the form of your family, the TV, the refrigerator – you name it, you’ll find a way to be distracted! You are working for yourself, so if you want to make sure that you make money in your business, you need to ensure that you are actually getting the work done. So, you need to make sure that you can work somewhere quietly. This is particularly important when you are taking phone calls; the last thing you need is the kids yelling in the background!

  • The Right Stuff

We mentioned Office 365 for Business earlier, but this is just one tool that will help you with your business. Think about the fact that you need the best Wi-Fi possible to keep up your internet connection. You’re working your business now; it’s not just leisurely scrolling on Facebook anymore. You’ll need an upgraded computer and a landline, and you’ll also need a printer, too. You shouldn’t start your business without all the tools that you need for the job!

  • Excellent Time Management Skills

One of the main benefits of working from home is not having anyone breathing down your neck to get things done. Except that you do: your bank account. You need to make money, and the only way that you can do that is to keep to a schedule to ensure that you’re going to make some cash. You can only make cash when you are working! You have to stay on top of your deadlines, and that involves a little self-discipline.

Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse, and it’s entirely up to you which one this adventure will be!

Staff Writer; Sherry Hall

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