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Big Decisions For The Small Business.

September 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( When starting a small business we realise quite quickly that there are many decisions to be made, every day there seems to be a new option or path for us to choose from. We’re not always well equipped to make these decisions, but there is so much business advice available and there are lots of seasoned business owners that are able to help out if you just ask. 

But what sort of decisions might you face when you set up a small business? Well for a start there is the small matter of what type of business you want to set up. Here are a few more ideas and things to look out for the small business owner. 


If you’re offering a mobile service this will be a very simple decision to make, but if you’re looking for a premesses to work from you might want to consider a few things such as footfall statistics, the demographic of the local residents and visitors and how well other businesses are doing in the area. Of course it depends on the rent and most of the time you get what you pay for, but it’s always a great idea to do extensive research before you sign a lease. The space you’re hiring will be important as well, so think about what you need and write a list of requirements before you even start looking around.


Do you need to work alone or can you hire a team of people to support you? Depending on where you are in your journey it will depend on how much of a budget you have for hiring people to help you. But it’s important to have the right people in the right places when it comes to business. Whether you simply hire and accountant or a cleaner to look after your office space you will be able to concentrate on doing your best for your business and making sure it grows at a steady pace. 


Marketing and how you portray your business will be a big part of your success, potential customers are going to love watching you what you do behind the scenes, use social media to your list of priorities and you will find a whole new world of opportunities for you. And if marketing isn’t your thing then you can hire a  digital marketing agency which will mean the marketing company saves you time and improves your productivity and sales too! 


What does your business look like? Is the logo exactly how it should be? Does your offer stand out from a crowd? And what does the customer experience look like? All of these things help build your character. Creating a business that has  plenty of relatable and great quality service will ensure plenty of customers through your doors week in week out! 

Whatever you decide it’s important to make sure you are happy with your choice, so it might be a great idea to do plenty of research and be able to see results quickly. 

Staff Writer; Latasha Ford

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