Décor on a Budget.

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(ThySistas.com) Environment plays a part in mental health, peace, and making a house a home. Sometimes it’s hard to relax and decompress at home because your surrounds look like an upgraded dorm room. When you go to visit friends, and relatives in your age range, one thing you may notice is not only how organized their home is, but the décor that makes it beautiful, relaxing and inviting its not a good feeling when you feel more at peace in someone else’s home strictly based off the atmosphere. It leaves you wondering what you need to do to make your house your sanctuary. Yes, you keep things clean; you don’t go to bed with dishes in the sink…but when you look around your dwelling devoid of an identity. It doesn’t speak to your soul, as a matter of fact, it makes you want to get your keeps and leave. Its more of a hub; you hand your personal necessities in that space and move on. Sitting on the couch after work with a nice glass of wine isn’t even relaxing because as you look around you find yourself staring at bare cold walls amplifying the concept of loneliness.  When you are married it can feel as though you are deficient in being the woman of your house. Even if your hubby is supportive and willing to help with the décor of the house, he may refer to you for the plan.

Sometimes the hold up for making your house a home is finances. When we see the homes of others, we automatically assume they spent a fortune to turn their home into a desirable space. There simple things you can do to make your home a space you love, and you don’t have to break the bank. If the homes, you feel most comfortable in belong to people close to you ask them about home décor. Often times sistas are willing to give tips about how to transform your home, and some will be eager to help you directly. Being comfortable in your own skin, and preferences, is one way to start the journey of transforming your home.

I remember when I got married my husband would often ask me about curtain, and wall décor. It wasn’t that I didn’t care or was blowing him off. I was one of those ladies that felt more a bit ashamed when I went to the homes of my friends because their space was beautiful and put together while I couldn’t seem to bring myself to truly start the project. I realized I was not confident in my preferences. I grew up hearing older women talk about décor that was warm and feminine verses that of a masculine look. I realize I was running from creating myspace for fear it would be considered masculine by those closest to me. Budget was often a very good smokescreen. If you find yourself in this situation…embrace you regardless of what others think. Your home is YOUR sanctuary, and it must be outfitted to suit you.

Once you decide to embrace the color schemes and patterns you like you can start by adding small accents to the home. Pick a room and start there. You will find that stores like Dollar Tree are inexpensive, but have a lot of different vases, and décor items that might add to your look; they also have good seasonal items. Michaels and Hobby Lobby have sales all the time whereby you can find different items that can add to your rooms and they have them in various colors and styles. Some look in pawn shops, and antique stores. In those spaces you’d be surprised by the vintage items that can add to a room. I admit I love stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond, but they can be a bit pricey so it’s a good idea to catch them on sale…or slowly set the funds aside for the big items you like. Target and Walmart are also good for a little wall décor, accent pillows for the couch or chair, and decorative candles.  Also look into your local novelty stores to add special touches that might be reflective of the area.

You deserve to have a home that calls to you and allows you comfort after a long day. It’s important to be proud of the place you call home. Where you live should be a sanctuary whereby your walls are as calming as your wine. Embrace your preferences and allow your home to reflect such. All you have to do is shop around and you can get it done on a reasonable budget.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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