Use Your Gift.

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( “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

Are you using your spiritual gifts that help the lives of others?  Using our spiritual gifts is us giving back to God, what He gave to us before we were formed in our mother’s wombs.  There is a supernatural experience when we are operating in our spiritual gifts.  There is a bold confidence and joy you get and feel when you are using your gifts.

What are spiritual gifts?  In 1 Corinthians 8-10, we are told that spiritual gifts are the following:  word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discernment, various kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.  All of these gifts, work together, under the Spirit.  If you are not sure what your spiritual gift is, pray and seek God’s guidance to reveal it to you and study your gift so that you can effectively use it.

Now that you are away of spiritual gifts, let’s transition to how you can use them in the natural, or in your everyday life.  Let’s say that your spiritual gift is word of wisdom.  You may recognize it in the natural because everyone is always coming to you for advice or you are looked at as a problem solver because of your profound words of wisdom.  You are naturally using your gift.  Or doing bible study, you may read a text out of the bible, and the Spirit will download into you words of wisdom to explain in depth what that text or passage meant to others.  You are using your gift.

What about the level of faith that you have in your life that supersedes any fears that could come upon you, that means that you have a gift of faith.  Every test and trial in your life, in the end, you found out that it required you to have unwavering faith.  That is your gift.  You are extra confident in God’s work or promises whereas the common Christians, faith is for standard purposes only.  Using your gift of faith, will take you to higher heights because of your faith.  Your mindset will stretch farther than others because of your extraordinary faith, which will reward you abundantly in the end, of whatever you’re believing God for.

In order to use your spiritual gifts effectively, you should always seek the counsel of God first, followed by studying your gifts and learning when the Spirit is prompting you to use your spiritual gift(s).  Some of us have a variety of spiritual gifts or we may recognize more than one spiritual gift as we develop in our relationship with God.  For example, a newly Christian may know wholeheartedly that they have the gift of faith and over time, as their relationship with God grows, be given the gift of discernment because God can now use them as an earthen vessel more to do His will.

Using your gifts edifies the kingdom of God.  Your gift of the wisdom of knowledge maybe used while teaching a workshop on a particular expertise that you’ve gained.  This knowledge will help someone else soar in life, just as it has helped you.  You may not see immediate results sometimes, as you use your gifts, but don’t get discouraged.  Stay prayerful and always know that God delivers on His promises.  Listen to the Spirit and use your gift(s), it could be an opportunity for you, for building the kingdom of God or to help someone else in life.  Our gifts may be of a variety, but I servitude to God, is the same.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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